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Chiro.Org Chiropractic Newsletter for Patients

This newsletter is composed in Adobe PDF format therefore it is essential that you have either the
Adobe Acrobat Reader (free) or Adobe Acrobat to view, edit and print or save this document.

Step 1.  If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader download it from Adobe at no charge and install it on your computer.

Step 2.  Download the Newsletter Adobe Form File from Chiro.Org containing the newsletter data and save it somewhere where you know where it is...Use the FILE - SAVE AS - drop down menu in your browser.  Preferably save the file on your desktop.  Use your browsers BACK button to come back to this page.  I would suggest that now would be a good time to print out this web page of instructions so that you understand what to do after the Newsletter is opened in the Acrobat Reader since this window will no longer be visible.  This should not be necessary if you have gone through these steps before.

Step 3.  Download the Chiropractic Newsletter from Chiro.Org.

Step 4.  Your browser will download and open the Chiropractic Newsletter skeleton in Adobe Acrobat Reader automatically.

Step 5.  If you want to fill in your own information and stories do so at this time.  You can copy whatever file/article you want by simply pasting it in one of the columns.  Then print the document for copying and distribution.  Just answer NO to the prompt box that comes up.  NOTE - make sure you have selected the little hand button on the Adobe Acrobat Reader button bar.

Step 6.  If you want to import the Chiro.Org Newsletter Column data into the document click in ANY of the column boxes.  You will be met with a prompt that states that news.fdf file was not found do you want to browse for it.  Pick YES and find the Newsletter Adobe Form File that you downloaded in STEP 2.  The file name should be news1.fdf and it should be found on your desktop or there abouts wherever you saved it.  Highlight the file and pick OK.  The data will be imported into the Newsletter shell.

Step 7.  Look over the data and stories, change the Return Address and add your own special touches to finish the document.  NOTE:  When you try to edit a column or box after you import the Chiro.Org data you will be met with the same box prompting you to find the news.fdf file.  Pick NO and do your editing.  DO NOT pick YES to find the file and import it again or you will lose all of your changes and you will have to start over editing the document to your taste.

Good Luck and God Bless....  Once you do it a couple of times it will be old hat.  More Newsletter skeletons and formats to come.

If you would like to submit columns for future newsletters of 125 to 250 words please send them to us at:
  Chiro.Org Newsletter Columns
I am working on some different formats and looks for Newsletters you can view them below, these are not editable like the Newsletter above.......yet.
Art Decco Newsletter Company Newsletter
Bold Newsletter Flashy Newsletter
Classic Newsletter Modern Newsletter - Editable with Acrobat Reader
Community Newsletter Traditional Newsletter
Community2 Newsletter Chiropractic Newsletter - Editable with Acrobat Reader
Available Chiropractic Newsletters
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