J Chiropractic Humanities 2004; 11: 38–43 ~ FULL TEXT
Christopher Good, MA(Ed), DC
New York Chiropractic College
Controversy surrounds the use of the term ‘subluxation’ within the chiropractic profession. This paper suggests that doctors of chiropractic should develop an evidence base that focuses on the clinical entities that are treated in clinical practice. Such effort might include documenting common locally symptomatic subluxations in each joint region and subluxations that cause more distant neurophysiological effects.
From the Full-Text Article:
The chiropractic profession has provided
patient care for the detection and removal of
vertebral subluxations since DD Palmer’s
landmark adjustment over 100 years ago.
However, despite the growth of the profession
worldwide, it is noted that published research
has yet to unequivocally establish the
“chiropractic subluxation” as a valid or
significant clinical entity. [1]
Indeed, there are
no large randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
that have focused on subluxation and its
reduction. Instead, the relevant RCTs
typically have utilized manipulation for
patients with uncomplicated back or neck
symptoms, sometimes described as
“mechanical low back pain” or “mechanical
neck pain.” Unfortunately, in doing these
studies, investigators have not focused on the
specific lesion causing the back or neck pain.
That is, they did not investigate whether the
pain was caused primarily by a myofascial,
zygapophysial joint or non-radicular disc
lesion. Subsequently, not only have the results
been less than impressive when assessing the
effectiveness of manipulation in various
patient groups, but no data on subluxation, its
reduction, and associated changes in the
patient’s condition are reported. In the same
vein, it is noted there are no peer-reviewed
case reports concerning the treatment of a
typical “chiropractic subluxation” by
adjustment even for the lumbar spine. [2]
Maybe more amazing, is that some
chiropractors question the existence of the
subluxation, ignoring the basic science
publications on the topic found in the data
bases Index Medicus and Manual Alternative
and Natural Therapy Index System
(MANTIS) — and actually compare
subluxation to the mythical creature the
unicorn. [3]
The argument raised here is that
even though an entity is defined, does not
mean that it exists. Of course the unicorn
analogy fails from the start since the horned
equid is designated to be “mythical” as per its
definition, whereas subluxations (chiropractic
or otherwise) are clearly defined as being
“real,” the lack of clinical peer reviewed
publications not withstanding. However, the
argument still raises an important question:
what amount of “evidence” is required so that
health care providers, as well as the public at
large, will come to acknowledge subluxation
as a common occurrence among the list of
human conditions? Why is it that, despite
manipulative therapists having treated
countless satisfied patients for “that joint
something” over thousands of years,
subluxations continue to be vitiated to such a
degree, except of course when the most
severe form of subluxation is treated by an
allopathic physician?
Part of the answer lies in the tenuous
neurological hypotheses our profession has
associated with subluxation over the years,
and our therapeutic claims based on these
hypotheses. Proudly we have made great
strides in this area, despite the reticence of
some to abandon those concepts that are
clearly invalidated by the available evidence.
However, as to the issue of the existence of
subluxation, I would suggest that this is best
addressed by appreciating the reality that
sometimes joints get stuck and often this is
quite annoying. This reality seems clear to
those of us who have observed the dramatic
symptomatic improvement of patients the
moment that a manipulative adjustment occurs
(cavitations preferred but not necessarily
required). This experience is shared by 90%
of US chiropractors who have indicated that
they use adjustments for the typical acute
mechanical lumbar case, and that the
observed benefit was rated as 8, 9, or 10 (with
10 equaling “great benefit”). [4]
It is clear that there is acknowledgement of
the reality of the chiropractic subluxation
outside the profession, as evidenced by the
books written by allopaths and physical
therapists concerning finding and
manipulating the lesion, as well as the
educational opportunities offered by these
professions to learn such skills. It would be
hard to believe that the learned men and
women involved in creating the ICD-9-CM
codes would create a category for the “nonallopathic
subluxation” if it was doubtful that
it existed. Nevertheless, who among us is
satisfied with this level of acceptance and
understanding of subluxations? Certainly not
the 88% of chiropractors who wanted to retain
the term “vertebral subluxation complex” and
the 90% of us who felt that the adjustment
should not be limited only to musculoskeletal
conditions (because as a profession we
believe that subluxation is a significant
contributing factor in 62% of all visceral
ailments). [4]
If we are going to get the message
successfully communicated and accepted, and
thereby increase our cultural authority and
utilization rates, part of our professional work
must involve developing an evidence base
that focuses on the clinical entities that we
treat in our offices every day of our practice
lives. This means that the extremely common
locally symptomatic subluxations in each
joint region need to be better defined and
characterized, as do the subluxations that
cause more distant neurophysiological effects.
However, I would suggest that these two
categories need to be dealt with as separate
entities on their own terms. The beginning
steps in this process have already occurred
and are there to be built upon. In the
meantime, given that less than 25% of the
population visits a chiropractor in any given
year, [5] maybe the profession should start with
pointing out the obvious to the doubters and
snoozers among us. Why not make the
ubiquitous presence of painful subluxations in
the world glaringly clear, and then perhaps
shout about it a bit?
The Subluxation’s New Clothes
I submit that at a very fundamental level the
reality of painful subluxations is demonstrated
by the experiences of virtually all humans at
some time in their lives, and by most people
many times a year.
The experience I refer to
is the universally common “Ooh, Aah”
Phenomenon (OAP).
The OAP occurs when a
joint becomes painful (“Ooh”), and then
becomes immediately “unpainful”
when the
afflicted person shakes or twists or pulls on
the region and the joint “pops” (“Aah”).
this sense, the OAP is really just like the
wind; you cannot see it, but once you feel it,
you understand that it exists and will
recognize it for all time.
Unfortunately, we
have failed to explain to the world that the
OAP is simply the self-reduction of a painful
subluxation. If we only talked about the OAP
publicly these subluxations would become
self-evident, not unlike some of the other
common maladies that afflict humans (eg, no
one ever bothers anymore to suggest that
trigger points do not exist). Surely, there
would be a critical mass to acknowledge
subluxation when enough people admitted
that the OAP had happened to them. Then
when faced with the question, “Well, what
would you do if it didn’t “pop” on its own?”
the logical answer, “Have a chiropractor pop
it for you” would open our doors to the world.
In short, the OAP is the overwhelming
observation concerning the existence of
subluxation that the masses, including all
health care professionals, need to be reminded
about, and at the same time makes the unicorn
discussion mute. Until we speak up, we will
continue to scratch our heads and ask, “Are
we really living the ultimate Emperor’s New
Clothes nightmare? Can’t the rest of the world
see the subluxations?” Well, apparently, they
cannot see them, and as a matter of honesty
and public health, it is up to us to point out
the naked truth. Of course, there may be a
price to pay for our veracity. We certainly
would not want to be pigeonholed into just
treating painful subluxations. Treating nonpainful
subluxations is potentially just as
important, especially when these have a
significant deleterious effect on the nervous
system or overall biomechanical function and
joint health. In addition, over time we have
become too good at treating other clinical
conditions too (eg, assorted myofascial
syndromes, discoradiculopathies, peripheral
nerve entrapments, and a huge variety of
sprains and strains, etc.) and this certainly has
benefited society. However, adding these
conditions to our clinical repertoire should not
be done in an attempt to distance ourselves
from the things we truly excel at treating: the
various painful subluxations found in the
human skeletal system.
Here, therefore, is one of our real dilemmas.
Should the profession ignore the reality of
painful subluxations, or should it take a bold
new initiative to remind the world about that
which obviously exists? I would suggest that
we do the latter, based on a better
categorization system and explanation of
subluxations, and do it soon. For if we do not,
or worse yet, if we choose to abandon
subluxation due to political expediency,
subluxations will continue to be treated, due
to public necessity, by some other type of
practitioner in our stead. If this occurs,
everyone loses.
The Future and Subluxation Syndromes
As the profession faces the political and
economic challenges of the new millennium,
it is clear that defining and promoting a potent
vision of chiropractic is not only important,
but is vitally necessary. In the United Stated,
other healthcare professionals, namely the
physical therapists and osteopaths, have a
growing interest in manipulative therapy for
subluxations (including those paid for under
Medicare) and consistently encroach upon
this area of the musculoskeletal domain once
held by chiropractors. It is also important that
the idea of identifying the lesion causing the
mechanical spinal pain is not lost on these
professions. [6]
Similarly in other parts to the
world, primary care physicians have opened
their minds to the idea that there are subgroup
populations with differing types of lesions
among patients with non-specific low back
pain. [7]
In the future, healthcare policy decisions
involving insurance coverage and especially
governmental policies focusing on the
uninsured and underinsured masses will
continue to be made. Decisions such as these
will be made about this profession, either with
or without its help, simply because they must
be made. So, will the chiropractic profession
play its role? Will we be recognized as the
experts in the area of joint analysis and
manipulation? Will that role involve the
subluxation as one of our defining features as
currently exists in Medicare policy and some
state licensing laws? On the other hand, will
subluxation be an obstacle that will continue
to divide the chiropractic profession and
subsequently confuse our patients, the policy
makers, and the other health care players?
Clearly, the internal squabble concerning the
chiropractic subluxation is one of the most
destructive problems affecting the future of
our profession. Consider, for example, that
some members of the profession continue to
denigrate those who treat painful spinal
conditions, that these “medipractors” have
somehow debased the profession and are
leading it astray. It is as though treating
painful subluxations is un-chiropractic and
only treating painless subluxations in order to
remove “nerve interference” should be
allowed. By the way, don’t pain impulses
count as a source of nervous system
In addition, there are those who refuse to
consider that patients have a right to choose to
have their non-painful subluxations treated as
well. What fails to be appreciated by both
camps is that patients deserve to receive the
highest quality care available for their painful
subluxations, just as they do for their nonpainful
subluxations that may be causing
some other effect on the body. These are
issues we clearly need to address, because it
would seem obvious that when any type of
subluxation is ignored or dismissed, our
patients, our society, and ultimately our
profession, suffer as a result. I submit that the
truth (reality) will set us free. If we simply
take the time to create a more universally
acceptable evidence-based classification
system, we will all move forward, society
included, to a better place. That better place
may begin with the concept of subluxation
Drs. Gatterman and Hansen have given us the
basis for this classification system when they
took on the Herculean task of trying to get
some consensus among chiropractors and our
curious lexicon. They asked a broad
collection of doctors of chiropractic their
opinions of the various words and definitions
used within our profession, and then
published the results. Amazingly there was
strong consensus within the profession (81%
agreement or better for each term), and
among the list were the words subluxation
(with an understandably broad definition),
subluxation complex (the theoretical model
from which to teach and investigate), and
subluxation syndrome (the clinical entity that
is treated). [8]
Dr. Gatterman continued with this work in her
text Foundations of Chiropractic:
Subluxation, and entire chapters were devoted
to the different types of subluxation
syndromes chiropractors have come to
manage over the years. [9] This makes
fascinating reading, not only because it
focuses on the unique types of subluxations in
each spinal region, but more so because it
categorizes them into what they really are
clinically: an aggregate of signs and
symptoms that relate to dysfunction of spinal,
pelvic or peripheral joints. The beauty of this
approach is the recognition that each joint
region potentially contains one or more
subluxation syndromes that have a welldefined
list of signs and symptoms and are
easy to differentially diagnose from other
conditions. For example, if a patient says,
“Sharp pain in the mid back just next to the
spine…hurts to take a deep breath…feels like
someone stuck a knife in there,” and then the
patient says “Ooh” when the costotransverse
joint is palpated over, the doctor, having
excluded the other relevant possibilities, says,
“Rib subluxation syndrome.” This is both
easy and very powerful. Best of all, if well
publicized, this subluxation syndrome will not
be treated as angina ever again (assuming the
editors of the Merck’s Manual are paying
Table 1.
Spinal subluxation syndromes (adapted from Gatterman.
- Upper Cervical Subluxation Syndrome
- Lower cervical Subluxation Syndrome
- Cervicogenic Sympathetic Syndrome
- Cervicogenic Cerebral Dysfunction
- Cervicogenic Dorsalgia Syndrome
- Cervicothoracic Subluxation Syndrome
- Thoracic Outlet Subluxation Syndrome
- Thoracic Subluxation Syndrome
- Costovertebral/costotransverse
Subluxation Syndrome
- Thoracolumbar Subluxation Syndrome
- Lumbar Subluxation Syndrome
- Sacroiliac Subluxation Syndrome
- Coccygeal Subluxation Syndrome
Table 1 lists the typical subluxation
syndromes encountered in the spine. All of
these can be defined, studied, and become the
focus of published research papers. The most
common subluxation syndromes that have
localized musculoskeletal signs and
symptoms would be the obvious place to start
in this campaign, since they would be the
easiest to document and hence gain the
quickest acceptance and utilization (our group
intends to start with the cervicothoracic
subluxation syndrome as part of a series of
case reports). Those subluxation syndromes
that involve more distant effects (organic or
systemic) like the “upper cervical subluxation
with associated somtaovisceral effects” would
seemingly take longer to document well and
involve more difficult levels of investigation.
However, if we are truly dealing with real
clinical conditions and effective treatment
procedures, it will simply be a matter of time,
not a matter of luck.
The health care world as we know it is
acknowledging the reality of myofascial
syndromes that can be treated with ischemic
compression or Active Release Technique and
disc syndromes treated successfully by
flexion-distraction techniques. Surely, health
care is ready for painful subluxation
syndromes treated by manipulative
adjustments. And, happily enough, this
venture will not be a matter of chiropractic
philosophy…it will really just be a matter of
stating the facts, and improving the health of
the world as we do it.
However, maybe the real question is this: Is the chiropractic
profession ready to step up, document and
promote the reality of subluxations (painful
and otherwise), and receive the credit it
deserves before somebody else does?
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