
Thanks to Dr. Frank Painter for providing the following information.



    0 = No tenderness.
    I = Tenderness to palpation WITHOUT grimace or flinch.
    II = Tenderness WITH grimace &/or flinch to palpation.
    III = Tenderness with WITHDRAWAL (+ Jump Sign).
    IV = Withdrawal (+ Jump Sign) to non-noxious stimuli (ie. superficial palpation, pin prick, gentle percussion)

Hubbard, DR, & Berkoff, GM
Myofascial trigger points show spontaneous needle EMG activity
Spine 1993; 18: 1803-1807

See also: Soft Tissue Grading Format (For flawless documentation)


    1.   LOCATION of the provoked pain.

    2.   TYPE and INTENSITY of provoked pain (ie. sharp pain 4/10 = a 4 out of a 1-10 scale)
    SP = Sharp pain, DP = Dull pain, 1 = no pain and 10 = worst pain possible

    3.   PAIN RESPONSE scale:
      +1 = the pain WORSENS with movement and/or PERIPHERALIZATION occurs.
      0 = NO CHANGE in pain
      -1 = the pain REDUCES and/or CENTRALIZED

      NOTE: If peripheralization occurs, note WHERE. This is especially useful with ROM testing. Disc pain often centralizes with extension and peripheralizes with flexion, so this is a simple way to make note during testing.

    4.   ESTIMATED POINT OF PAIN ONSET = at what point of the test's range of motion did the pain provocation occur. (ie. the first 20% of movement, or at 25 degrees)
      FORMULA = L. SI, SP, 5/10, +1, L gluts/post thigh, 25 degrees would translate as sharp, 5/10 severity, sharp pain at the left SI joint, which perperipheralizes to the gluteal and posterior thigh when flexed @ the waist to 25 degrees.



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appendix Outcomes assessment record, QFCE tests, etc. on pages 84-89