Theresa Marie Warner

Theresa Marie Warner on January 23, 2001

This section is compiled by Frank M. Painter, D.C.
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Thank you. I'd like to start out by apologizing to the commission that you do not have our statements for myself or my husband, who will be speaking immediately following me. We had a death in the family this week and were out of the office most of the week and are actually on our way returning from the funeral right now, but felt it important enough to come directly here. That been said, I would like to thank you for allowing me to take the time to address this commission on this important topic.

I'm here as cofounder of the World Children's Wellness Foundation, a nonprofit children's foundation to help educate parents on how to raise healthy children. I'm also in private chiropractic practice specializing in the care of children and infants, and a post-graduate faculty member of several chiropractic colleges in which I teach pediatric chiropractic care to chiropractors around the world.

My purpose for attending today is to discuss the importance of chiropractic care for infants and children. Specifically the right for children to receive chiropractic care, regardless of symptoms, for optimization of health, growth, and development. It is vital to recognize that chiropractic care for children in a wellness-based vitalistic health care model, not as a treatment for symptoms or disease. Most importantly, that all children will have the opportunity to be checked by a chiropractor as a natural and regular part of childhood.

Public education is imperative. Today parents understand and find it natural to take their children for an eye exam, dental, hearing, and other exams prior to their child's first day of kindergarten. But many parents remain unaware of the importance of a chiropractic exam for their children. During a chiropractic exam of an infant or child, the chiropractor is able to utilize high-tech objective diagnostic testing, such as that mentioned earlier by Dr. Gentempo, to help identify if there is any interference in nerve function. As chiropractors, we recognize that this phenomenon, which we refer to as a vertebral subluxation, if left uncorrected will equate to a disturbance in that child's body to heal, regulate and adapt. The correction of this disturbance through the adjustment will allow that child to better adapt to his or her world and result in a fuller expression of life.

What I am requesting of the commission is that we expand current research to include to include a pediatric chiropractic study in a vitalistic health care model. Additionally, I would like to expand the information provided to parents upon or prior to the birth of their child to include the importance of a chiropractic exam for their child. Research and public awareness campaigns are the two principal concerns of the World Children's Wellness Foundation, and these are the two primary areas I would respectfully request that the commission review. Specifically, how can we increase funding of pediatric chiropractic research studies by federal grants or other means to nonprofit foundations such as the World Children's Wellness Foundation, and further bringing the results of such studies to the public. Thank you for your attention today and I'm happy to answer any questions you might have.

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