7.93 The issue of ring-fenced funds has been raised
as a means of boosting CAM funding in the United Kingdom in several
submissions. Professor Edzard Ernst, who holds the CAM Chair at
Exeter University (P 229), points out that ring-fencing has been
very successful in other countries (e.g. Germany and the USA)
and could be encouraged by the NHS, the MRC, Primary Care Groups
and Trusts, and industry. However our discussions with the main
research funding institutions in the United Kingdom reveal little
enthusiasm for ring-fenced funding for CAM research.
7.94 The MRC do not believe that they should ring-fence
funds for CAM. They told us that they intend to continue to judge
CAM grant applications by merit in competition with all other
grant applications: "The MRC believes that there is no justification
for a different approach to research into complementary therapies
compared to conventional therapies. At present, there is generally
insufficient evidence to prioritise within or between evaluations
of conventional and complementary therapies. In the absence of
well-developed research proposals, we therefore consider the case
for increased research funding for CAM has not been made. Nevertheless,
the MRC will continue to welcome applications for support to evaluate
complementary therapies. These will be judged case-by-case on
their own merits, in competition with other calls on MRC's funds"
(P 139).
7.95 One of the MRC's main arguments against ring-fencing
funds for CAM is that, given that one of the main problems within
CAM is the poor quality of CAM research proposals, ring-fencing
might lead only to more poor quality research. They suggest that
there are better alternatives to ring-fencing to improve CAM research:
"Throwing money at bad science does not help anybody. So
I am not for ring-fencing. Whether one should have an initiative,
or if encouragement is sufficient, I do not know. In view of what
we hear, that the research capacity is not there yet, it seems
to me that you need to start training and you need to start getting
people who themselves would like to do research in complementary
medicine to acquire good research training. That is, train people
in statistical aspects of medicine and train people in how to
evaluate evidence and so on. Then we could, perhaps, build on
that (Q 1095). It is a chicken and egg situation and I believe
that people have to come first before you can do the research.
You need to target individuals who can do research and say to
them: 'this looks now an important enough issue: could you put
together a proposal?' That is one way of bringing in the practitioners
of complementary medicine as part of such a proposal. That they
can, through an individual like Professor Meade, learn how to
do this sort of research" (Q 1097).
7.96 Although the MRC were against ring-fencing,
they were not against prioritising certain research areas: "
you say that there are some very, very urgent problems which require
proper scientific study that lead to a long-term solution, I am
sure we would be very willing to consider it. If it is a matter
of comparing one treatment with another, that is more a Health
Department issue. With that proviso, there is no reason why we
could not respond if there was a real demand from the medical,
scientific, or whatever, community for something like that"
(Q 1099).
7.97 The Department of Health told us that they also
believe that CAM research must be considered on the same basis
as conventional research: "The Government views research
into CAM in the same light as that into all other branches of
medical practice" (P 113).
7.98 The Department of Health fund research through
several different programmes and organisational structures (as
reviewed in Box 11) and some of these mechanisms allow the setting
of priorities: "Priorities for R&D are set from time
to time to take account of Ministerial priorities and priorities
for health and social care, and CAM research is considered as
part of this" (P 114). They did describe one time-limited
funding programme that had resulted in some CAM research: "The
National Cancer Programme contained a specific priority on the
comparison of cost-effectiveness of different psychosocial interventions,
including CAM therapies. One CAM project was funded: a randomised
controlled study of the effects of reflexology on mood, adjustment,
quality of life and patient satisfaction" (P 113). There
is also scope for prioritisation within local NHS R&D budgets:
"Regional R&D budgets are intended to allow Regions to
identify and support local priorities and build research capacity.
As part of a Commissioned Research Initiative, South West Region
issued a specific call for proposals in May 1996 into: Which specific
CAM therapies are effective for which conditions? Which specific
conditions may benefit from CAM? What are the resource and other
consequences on the NHS where CAM is not provided or used? As
a result of this call, two projects were funded: a project - now
complete - to evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture in defined
aspects of stroke recovery (£179,903), and a multi-centre
study of acupuncture for tension headaches (£22,169)"
(P 113).
7.99 As discussed in paragraph 6.81 Professor Sir
John Pattison, Director of NHS Research & Development, and
Yvette Cooper MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Public
Health, both encouraged CAM proposals to try to come in under
current NHS initiatives, such as those prioritising cancer research.
However, despite these limited initiatives, the general position
of the Department of Health is not one that favours ring-fencing
or pump-priming: "Within the NHS R&D programme there
has been relatively little ring-fencing in any area. The arguments
against ring-fencing are robust. I believe that it would imply
a dual standard and at the end of the day there must be research
that is robust enough to give clear answers, By relaxing the standards
of rigour it is too easy to make research investments that do
not pay off" (Q 5).
7.100 We also talked to non-governmental bodies about
their attitudes to dedicated funding. The Wellcome Trust told
us that, despite their recent conference on CAM and their belief
that it is an important area: "CAM research is not ring-fenced,
and it is probably our policy not to do that" (Q 1104). Although
in the past Wellcome did ring-fence, they explained that "we
now go for open competition and try to reduce the number of schemes
that we fund by bringing them together so that all who apply have
an equal opportunity" (Q 1104). The Trust do have some directly-managed
initiatives, for example on genomes, but they saw this as an unlikely
prospect for CAM (Q 1168).
7.101 The AMRC explained why they did not believe
that ring-fencing was an option for medical charities: "We
would resist the idea of any medical research charity being perhaps
forced to ring-fence money for a particular speciality. In a way,
that money is already ring-fenced for specialities or diseases.
That is not a comment on the need or not for Government to ring-fence;
it is a fact of life for charities" (Q 1194).
7.102 It is our opinion that despite the Department
of Health and the MRC's reservations about dedicating funding,
something must be done to build up the research capacity in CAM;
otherwise the poor state of research and development in this area
will continue. The lessons of NCCAM in the USA show that, if funds
are there, experienced researchers will apply for them, and with
sufficient investment high-quality CAM research can be achieved.
NCCAM's annual budget is about $68.4m: this is 0.4% of the total
budget of the NIH. Without dedicated funds, CAM will struggle
to attract high-quality researchers and it will be hard to build
the infrastructure for the research that needs to be done in this
area to protect the public. In our opinion it will not be long
before CAM research will be able to compete against other bids
for funds in a way that it cannot currently do. We recommend
that the NHS R&D directorate and the MRC should pump-prime
this area with dedicated research funding in order to create a
few centres of excellence for conducting CAM research, integrated
with research into conventional healthcare. This will also help
to promote research leadership and an evaluative research culture
in CAM. Such funds should support research training fellowships
and a limited number of high-quality research projects. This initiative
should be sufficient to attract high-quality researchers and to
enable get them both to carry out large-scale studies and to continue
to train CAM researchers in this area within a multi-disciplinary
environment. We believe ten years would be sufficient for the
pump-priming initiative as, for example, in the case of some MRC
programme grants and various training and career development awards
available in conventional medicine. The Association of Medical
Research Charities may also like to follow this example.
Co-ordinating the Development
of CAM Research
7.103 The discussions in this chapter show that there
are many issues to take into account when considering how to increase
research into CAM. Several of our witnesses have suggested the
need for a co-ordinating body to promote research in this area.
For example Dr Howard Scarffe of the Wellcome Trust felt it may
be sensible to have an "over-arching organisation to co-ordinate
research strategy" (Q 1136). He went on to suggest that "the
Foundation for Integrated Medicine may possibly be an appropriate
organisation to assume that role" (Q 1136).
7.104 A body of this sort could take on various roles
to aid CAM research:
(i) To act as an advice centre on where to
gain research funding;
(ii) To advertise funding programmes;
(iii) To act as an information centre on research
training opportunities and to advertise specific opportunities
in this area;
(iv) To advise on drafting grant applications;
(v) To disseminate research findings and co-ordinate
research strategies.
7.105 FIM told us: "I think our central role
at the Foundation in relation to research is very much encouraging
others to do it. That might involve the Government, it might involve
the Wellcome Trust; it certainly does involve the research charities
which are responsible for nearly £500 million of research,
so we see our role as very much one of influencing and helping.
Part of that may involve us directly funding some research; we
do have a small research programme ourselves but it needs to be
seen within that wider context" (Q 93). FIM are currently
drafting a national strategy for CAM research.
7.106 The RCCM also believe that there is a need
for a national strategy for CAM research. "Given the public
and professional interest in complementary and alternative medicine,
a co-ordinated strategy supported by public funds requires careful
consideration and debate (Q114)
In the absence of a comparable
R&D infrastructure, CAMs do not have a national strategy,
so any research will be carried out in isolation, will be ad hoc
and will not address key priorities. So we feel that a national
strategy is required" (Q 118). They believe that this national
strategy should be "developed and co-ordinated by a body
that is independent of but accountable to Government. It should
have relevant and appropriate multi-disciplinary representation
from both the CAM field and the conventional field, and appropriate
representation from health service researchers, and there is a
current debate in NHS R&D around a lack of good health service
researchers. It should be chaired, or led, by someone who is impartial
and not immersed in a particular tradition, and it should establish
priorities for CAM research, perhaps through a consensus approach
drawing on the multi-disciplinary field. It should commission,
fund and monitor CAM research including the quality of the research
that it is commissioning" (Q 352).
7.107 To maintain impartiality and fairness, but
not at the expense of quality, FIM is in a particularly strong
position to take on these tasks with resourcing from the Government
and possibly the charitable sector. Joint research between different
grant-awarding bodies is gaining acceptance in the United Kingdom
and therefore we see no reason why, with appropriate safeguards
and accountability in place, the Research Councils and the Department
of Health could not drive forward CAM research by operating in
this way, rather than by simply awarding individual grants. There
already exist examples of such mechanisms in the concordat that
the MRC and the Department of Health have developed for joint
working, and the joint initiatives between the United Kingdom
Government and the Wellcome Trust in the Joint Infrastructure
Fund and Joint Proposal Funding Initiative.