Introduction to Alternative Medicine      

This section is compiled by Frank M. Painter, D.C.
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Introduction to the Alternative Medicine Section
A Chiro.Org Editorial

Chiropractors have always been considered a “fringe” providor (or worse) by conventional medicine. That all started to change with the publication of David M. Eisenberg's January 28, 1993 article in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Alternative Medicine Guidelines
A Chiro.Org article collection

Britain's Department of Health, in collaboration with the Foundation for Integrated Medicine has published Complementary Medicine, a document that explains the benefits of the top six complementary therapies provided by Britain's National Health Service (NHS).

Non-pharmacologic Therapy and Chiropractic
A Chiro.Org article collection

Enjoy this NEW page that details the acceptance of chiropractic into the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) care programs, and has become the go-to partner for the Integrative Health Care movement.

White House Commission on Complementary and
Alternative Medicine Policy (WHCCAMP)
(Mar 2002)
A Chiro.Org article collection

This page is designed to keep you on top of the government's review of complementary/alternative practices (CAM), as well as collecting the testimony of selected speakers. Access to the Final Report (submitted 3-25-2002) is here. Review the testimony of many of the selected speakers, and enjoy the media commentary.
You may also enjoy reviewing: The Final WHCCAMP Report (PDF) AND
Press Releases (Pro and Con) About the Formation, Members, Meetings and Final Report of WHCCAMP

The Obstacles and Barriers to CAM Research (Oct 2000)
Anthony Rosner, PhD, Research Director of FCER
The efforts to launch and develop a National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine within the framework of the NIH are indeed admirable, taking the Center from a humble $2M annual budget in 1991 to one that approaches $70M today. This has taken place despite the comments of highly visible and influential individuals within the medical community to discredit alternative medicine in virtually any shape or form. Following are what I believe to be the most significant barriers to research efforts in alternative medicine, the barriers having either remained in place or only recently having been removed.

British Complementary (Alternative) Medicine Guidelines (June 2000)
A Chiro.Org article collection

Britain's Department of Health, in collaboration with the Foundation for Integrated Medicine, the National Health Alliance and the National Association of Primary Care, published Complementary Medicine (Dec 2000), a document that explains the benefits of the top six complementary therapies provided by Britain's National Health Service (NHS). It also explains making referrals to CAM practitioners, employing CAM practitioners, and who to contact to find a CAM practitioner. The President of the Foundation is HRH The Prince of Wales. Complementary Medicine Information for General Practitioners (PDF)
20 pages, Adobe Acrobat (PDG) File (94K)

Complementary Medicine Information for Primary Care Groups (PDF)
46 pages, Adobe Acrobat (PDF) File (167K)

CAM: A Briefing by the Foundation for Integrated Medicine on the Report by
the House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology

This briefing divides CAM practices into 3 categories: Disciplines well-supported by research (Chiropractic, Acupuncture), those lacking firm support, and those which have minimal evidence of efficasy.

Short and Simplified Descriptions of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Disciplines
This table, from the Royal College of Physicians, divides CAM practices into 3 categories. The first category is Professionally Organised Alternative Therapies, which are those that have good scientific support, and include Acupuncture and Chiropractic.

Alternative Medicine: Expanding Medical Horizons (Sept 1992)
A Report to the National Institutes of Health on Alternative Medical Systems and Practices in the United States - Workshop on Alternative Medicine, Chantilly, Virginia September 14-16, 1992
You may enjoy this separate introduction, titled Expanding Medical Horizons. One of the first goals of the Office of Alternative Medicine (OAM) was to develop a baseline of information on the state of alternative medicine in the United States. To accomplish this, a series of workshops were held in 1992. The first, a public meeting on June 17-18 in Bethesda, Maryland, included presentations from more than 80 speakers who detailed issues and concerns of importance to the alternative medicine community. On September 14-16, a second workshop was convened in Chantilly, Virginia, with a total of more than 200 participants who discussed the state of the art of the major areas of alternative medicine and to direct attention to priority areas for potential future research activities. Cochairs of the workshop working groups organized writing teams to collect and synthesize the available research in their respective fields and to develop recommendations to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
You may also find the section on Manual Healing Methods of interest.

The Medical Monopoly: Protecting Consumers Or Limiting Competition? (Dec 1995)
The Cato Institute ~ FULL TEXT
Nonphysician providers of medical care are in high demand in the United States. But licensure laws and federal regulations limit their scope of practice and restrict access to their services. The result has almost inevitably been less choice and higher prices for consumers. Safety and consumer protection issues are often cited as reasons for restricting nonphysician services. But the restrictions appear not to be based on empirical findings. Studies have repeatedly shown that qualified nonphysician providers -- such as midwives, nurses, and chiropractors -- can perform many health and medical services traditionally performed by physicians -- with comparable health outcomes, lower costs, and high patient satisfaction. Licensure laws appear to be designed to limit the supply of health care providers and restrict competition to physicians from nonphysician practitioners. The primary result is an increase in physician fees and income that drives up health care costs.

A Short History of Medicine
Drop by for a smile, and reflect on trends in allopathic thinking.


Since 3–01–1999

Updated 11-04-2023

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