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Table 2

Patient Outcomes at Baseline and Follow-up Intervals

NDI, %70-4236386042

HDI, %72-3638447430

Oswestry, %74-1622404438

LEFI, %68-482030--

UEFI, %-44221228--
NDI = Neck Disability Index;
HDI = Headache disability Index;
Oswestry = Revised Oswestry low Back Questionnaire,
LEFI = Lower Extremity Functional Index (0-100% with 0% = no disability and 100% = severe disability;
UEFI = Upper Extremity Functional Index.

Dash indicates not administered.
8-30-11 is baseline for NDI, HDI, Oswestry, and LEFI;
9-20-2011 is UEFI baseline.