Examples of Chiropractic Shorthand

Examples of Chiropractic Shorthand

This section was compiled by Frank M. Painter, D.C.
Send all comments or additions to:

FROM:   A Chiro.Org Editorial

Examples of Chiropractic Shorthand:

TT = Taut and Tender;

↓ FM = Reduced Fluid Motion;

↓ ROT = Reduced Rotation;

MP = Motion Palpation;

↓ LaB = Reduced Lateral Bending;

w/ = With;

↓ CIR = Reduced Circumduction of Lumbar/Cervical Spine w/ Lateral Bending (LB);

OCC = Occiput;

CS = Cervical Spine

TS = Thoracic Spine

LS = Lumbar Spine

SI = Sacroiliac Joint;

TrP = Trigger Point;

MM = Muscle Spasm;

P = Posterior;

PP - Present Pain;

PIR = Post Isometric Relaxation;

LB = Low Back;

RCS = Right Cervical Syndrome;

LCS = Left Cervical Syndrome;

+SLC = Positive Sacral Leg Check;

BR = Body Right;

BL = Body Left;

VSC = Vertebral Subluxation Complex;

E = Edema;

↑ DC = High Volt DC;

US = Ultrasound;

Pain Scale: Least (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) Most severe
as in PP 7/10 CS on R

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