Pharmacological Effects of Urinary Products Obtained After Treatment With Saiboku-to, A Herbal Medicine For Bronchial Asthma, On Type IV Allergic Reaction

Pharmacological Effects of Urinary Products
Obtained After Treatment With Saiboku-to,
A Herbal Medicine For Bronchial Asthma,
On Type IV Allergic Reaction

This section is compiled by Frank M. Painter, D.C.
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FROM:   Planta Med. 2000 (Oct);   66 (7):   607–611

Taniguchi C, Homma M, Takano O, Hirano T, Oka K, Aoyagi Y, Niitsuma T, Hayashi T.

Department of Clinical Pharmacology,
Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science, Japan.

Presently the relationship between CD28, biological marker of senescence, and ovariectomy is not well understood. We show that ovariectomy leads to CD28 loss on T cells and estrogen (E2) repletion and medicarpin (Med) inhibits this effect. We thus propose that Med/E2 prevents bone loss by delaying premature T cell senescence.

To define the anti-allergic components in Saiboku-To, a herbal medicine for bronchial asthma, we examined the effects of 11 compounds found in post-administrative urine of Saiboku-To on concanavalin A-induced human lymphocyte blastogenesis in vitro and picryl chloride (PC)-induced mouse ear swelling in vivo. The urinary products of Saiboku-To were flavonoids and lignans derived from the constitutional herbs and their hydrogenated metabolites. Medicarpin derived from Glycyrrhiza glabra, magnolol and 8,9-dihydroxydihydromagnolol from Magnolia officinalis, baicalein, wogonin and oroxylin A from Suctellaria baicalensis inhibited lymphocyte blastogenesis in dose-dependent fashion with IC50 values ranging from 3.0 to 7.7 micrograms/mL, which corresponded to 20-100 times that of prednisolone IC50 (0.08 microgram/mL). Davidigenin, dihydrowogonin and dihydrooroxylin A, which are hydrogenated metabolites of liquiritigenin, wogonin and oroxylin A, respectively, had no or little effects on lymphocyte blastogenesis. Oral administration of Saiboku-To, medicarpin, baicalein, magnolol and baicalin (100 mg/kg), inhibited PC-induced ear swelling significantly by 23.5, 40.1, 30.5, 23.6 and 20.9%, respectively, though the effects were weaker than that of 5 mg/kg of prednisolone (52.9%). The results suggested that flavonoids and lignans tested in the present study were implicated in anti-asthmatic effect of Saiboku-To through suppression of type IV allergic reaction.

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