Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy
for Safer, Easier Births

This section is compiled by Frank M. Painter, D.C.
Send all comments or additions to:

FROM:   International Chiropractic Pediatric Association

Jeanne Ohm, D.C.

Chiropractic care is essential for the pregnant mother. Her systems and organs are now providing for two and their optimal function is critical for the baby’s healthy development. The mother’s spine and pelvis undergoes many changes and adaptations to compensate for the growing baby and the risk of interference to her nervous system is increased. Specific chiropractic care throughout pregnancy works with enhancing nervous system function providing greater health potential for both the mother and baby.

Another important reason for care throughout pregnancy is to help establish balance in the mother’s pelvis. Because of a lifetime of stress and trauma to her spine and pelvis, her pelvic opening may be compromised, resulting in a less than optimum passage for the baby. Williams Obstetrics Text tells us that, "Any contraction of the pelvic diameters that diminish the capacity of the pelvis can create dystocia (difficulty) during labor." They further state that the diameter of the woman's pelvis is decreased when the sacrum is displaced. Dr. Abraham Towbin, medical researcher on birth tells us that the bony pelvis may become "deformed" this way by trauma. Chiropractors define this displacement/ deformation as spinal misalignment or subluxation primarily caused by the stress of trauma.

Additionally, these compensations to her spine and pelvis during pregnancy are likely to cause an imbalance to her pelvic muscles and ligaments. The woman’s pelvis supports her growing uterus with specific ligaments. When the pelvic bones are balanced, the uterus is able to enlarge symmetrically with the growing baby. If the bones of the pelvis are out of alignment or subluxated, this will directly affect the way the uterus will be supported. Unequal ligament support of the uterus will torque the uterus reducing the maximum amount of room for the developing baby. The term used to describe this is intrauterine constraint.

In some cases, this constraint restricts the baby’s positions during pregnancy adversely affecting his/her developing spine and cranium. Additionally, these limitations on the baby’s movement during pregnancy may prevent him/her from getting into the best possible position for birth. Any birth position other than the ideal vertex, occiput anterior position of the baby indicates the inhibiting effects of constraint. Such positions lead to longer more painful labors with increased medical interventions in birth. Often c-sections are resorted to and both the mother and baby miss the many benefits of a natural vaginal birth.

The Webster Technique, discovered by Dr. Larry Webster, founder of the ICPA, is a specific chiropractic adjustment for pregnant mothers. Working to correct sacral subluxations, this technique balances pelvic muscles and ligaments in the woman’s pelvis, removes constraint and allows the baby to get into the best possible position for birth. Dr. Webster instructed many Doctors of Chiropractic in this technique and their combined results showed a high success rate in allowing babies in the breech position to go into the normal head down or vertex position. Because of its ability to facilitate easier, safer deliveries for both the mother and baby, many birth care providers are actively seeking Doctors of Chiropractic with the skills in this technique.

Growing awareness of this technique is demonstrating the increased demand for trained Doctors. Daily, the ICPA receives many requests for referrals. Your current membership and proficiency in the Webster Technique supplies this growing demand that all pregnant women need chiropractic care!

We greatly appreciate your vision and commitment in offering pregnant women in your community the best possible care available. Together we are providing significant contributions to the important goal of safer, easier deliveries for both the mother and baby.


Cunningham,G et al,
Dystocia Due to Pelvic Contraction
Williams Obstetrics, Nineteenth Edition, 1989

Dystocia, Brain Damage in the Newborn and its Neurologic Sequelle
Abraham Towbin, MD; 1998

Netter, F.
Pelvic Viscera and Perineum
Atlas of Human Anatomy ; 1994

Hellstrom, B, Sallmander, U
Prevention of Spinal Cord Injury in Hyperextension of the Fetal Head
JAMA; July 1968 Vol 204, No. 12

Anrig C, Plaugher G;
Chiropractic Management of In-Utero Constraint
Pediatric Chiropractic, 1998: Chapter 5 page 102

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