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Multiple Sclerosis and Chiropractic
This section was compiled by Frank M. Painter, D.C. Send all comments or additions to:
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Chiropractic Research Results
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Chiropractic Research Results for Multiple Sclerosis
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Effects of Nonpharmaceutical Treatments on Symptom Management
in Adults With Mild or Moderate Multiple Sclerosis:
A Meta-analysis
J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2019 (Nov 23) [Epub]
This meta-analysis strengthens the emerging evidence-base for the efficacy of nonpharmaceutical treatments (NPTs) to improve symptom management for adults with mild to moderate MS. The results suggest there may be effective NPT options available that can improve the symptoms of fatigue, poor functionality, balance, and quality of life. We found that physical activity, alternative approaches, rehabilitation, and resistance training were effective for improving the management of a number of MS symptoms. The evidence supporting NPTs reported here offers important options that could be pursued alongside other existing treatments, for a high-risk population managing a challenging chronic health condition.
Preliminary Results After Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care in
Patients With Chronic Cerebro-spinal Venous Insufficiency
and Multiple Sclerosis
Ann Ital Chir. 2015; 86: 192–200
We found an improvement in all kinds of subluxations after the treatment with respect to the pre-treatment X-ray evaluation, with a significant statistical difference. The differences between the clinical symptoms before and after the specific treatment of C1-C2 are statistically significant with p<0.001 according to the CHI-Square test revised by Yates.
DCs Treating the Multiple Sclerosis Patient
ACA News ~ May 2015 ~ FULL TEXT
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is the most common disabling neurological disease of young adults, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), most often appearing when people are between 20 and 40 years old. However, it can also affect children and adults over 40. The U.S. National Library of Medicine defines MS as an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). The myelin sheath, a protective membrane that wraps around the axon of a nerve cell, is destroyed in a patient with MS; this is caused by inflammation. That damage causes nerve signals to slow down or stop. MS affects women more than men.
Chiropractic Care Amongst People With Multiple Sclerosis:
A Survey of MS Therapy Centres in the UK
Clinical Chiropractic 2009 (Mar); 12 (1): 23–27 ~ FULL TEXT
Many of the musculoskeletal symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis (MS) can be managed with physical therapy. Chiropractors are well placed to deliver this, but the extent of their involvement in the team management of multiple sclerosis in the UK is unknown. The present study investigates the level of awareness and use of chiropractic by people with MS in the UK.
Chiropractic Management of Musculoskeletal Pain
in the Multiple Sclerosis Patient
Clinical Chiropractic 2005 (Jun); 8 (2): 57–65
Chiropractic care has been successfully integrated into a chronic care facility which is affiliated with a private university medical school. Chiropractic has been utilized in this setting for pain management of MS patients suffering from chronic pain syndromes. Preliminary findings from this clinic suggest that chiropractic may represent one treatment alternative for chronic pain in MS patients in a long-term care facility. Further studies will be needed to definitively determine the efficacy of chiropractic for the management of chronic pain in the MS patient.
Use of Unconventional Therapies by Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis
Clin Rehabil 2003 (Mar); 17 (2): 181–191
More than half of the responding sample (57.1%) had used at least one CAM modality. The longer that people had MS and the less satisfied they were with conventional health care the more likely they were to use CAM therapies. The most common reasons for using CAMs were the desire to use holistic health care (i.e., treatments that recognized the interrelatedness of mind, body and spirit) and dissatisfaction with conventional medicine. Ingested herbs were the most frequently used CAM modalities (26.6%), followed by chiropractic manipulation (25.3%), massage (23.3%) and acupuncture (19.9%).
Clinical Presentation of a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis
and Response to Manual Chiropractic Adjustive Therapies
J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1993 (Nov); 16 (9): 595–600
Manual adjustive therapies appear to be responsible for the dramatic symptomatic relief provided for a patient diagnosed with MS. The relative risk-to-benefit ratio suggests that this approach may be appropriate as an alternative symptom management approach for MS patients, and future research efforts can and should direct the comprehensive management approach to the treatment of this disorder.
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Other Management Approaches for Multiple Sclerosis
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Multiple Sclerosis, An Autoimmune Inflammatory Disease:
Prospects for its Integrative Management
Alternative Medicine Review 2001 (Dec); 6 (6): 540–566 ~ FULL TEXT
No pharmaceutical or other therapies exist that confer prolonged remission on MS, and obvious interrelationships between toxic, infectious, and dietary factors make a persuasive case for integrative management. The time-proven MS diet meticulously keeps saturated fats low, includes three fish meals per week, and eliminates allergenic foods. Dietary supplementation for MS minimally requires potent vitamin supplementation, along with the thiol antioxidants, the anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, and adaptogenic phytonutrients. Gut malabsorption and dysbiosis can be corrected using digestive enzymes and probiotics.
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the nutritional treatment for Multiple Sclerosis
Cerebrospinal Fluid Protein Changes in Multiple Sclerosis
After Dental Amalgam Removal
Alternative Medicine Review 1998 (Aug); 3 (4): 295–300 ~ FULL TEXT
A relationship between multiple sclerosis (MS) and dental silver-mercury fillings has been suggested by some investigators, but never proven. This study documents objective biochemical changes following the removal of these fillings along with other dental materials, utilizing a new health care model of multidisciplinary planning and treatment. The dramatic changes in photolabeling of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) proteins following these dental interventions suggest CSF photolabeling may serve as an objective biomarker for monitoring MS. The clear-cut character of these changes should also encourage more research to better define this possible association between dental mercury and MS.
Transdermal Histamine in Multiple Sclerosis Series
Part I: Clinical Experience
Alternative Medicine Review 1999 (Dec); 4 (6): 424–428 ~ FULL TEXT
Histamine has a long history of therapeutic use in many diseases, including multiple sclerosis (MS). Recently, transdermal histamine has been successfully employed for the amelioration of symptoms of both relapsing-remitting and progressive multiple sclerosis. This paper summarizes preliminary experiences with transdermal histamine for MS at the Tahoma Clinic: 67 percent of 55 patients using histamine transdermal cream had improvements in one or more areas, including extremity strength, balance, bladder control, fatigue, activities of daily living, and cognitive functioning, sustained for periods of up to three months.
Part II: A Proposed Theoretical Basis for Its Use
Alternative Medicine Review 2000 (Jun); 5 (3): 224–248 ~ FULL TEXT
This paper discusses how impairment of histamine synthesis might lead to symptoms of MS, and conversely how exogenously administered histamine might alleviate symptoms. Various mechanisms of action are suggested, including: enhanced gastric acid and pancreatic enzyme secretion, augmentation of subnormal cerebral tissue levels of histamine, improved electrical function of demyelinated fibers, increased cerebral blood flow, suppression of aberrant autoimmune responses, and stimulation of remyelination. We also discuss the observed failure of digestive function in MS and point out that pathological changes which parallel CNS findings have been found in the enteric nervous system (ENS) of patients with Parkinson's disease. Similar parallels might exist between the CNS and ENS in multiple sclerosis.
Since 8–31–2002
Updated 6-24-2022