European Journal of Pain 2019 (Jul); 23 (6): 1051–1070 ~ FULL TEXT
Pierre Côté, Hainan Yu, Heather M. Shearer, Kristi Randhawa, Jessica J. Wong, Silvano Mior et al.
Canada Research Chair in Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation,
University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT),
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada.
OBJECTIVES: To develop an evidence-based guideline for the non-pharmacological management of persistent headaches associated with neck pain (i.e., tension-type or cervicogenic).
METHODS: This guideline is based on systematic reviews of high-quality studies. A multidisciplinary expert panel considered the evidence of clinical benefits, cost-effectiveness, societal and ethical values, and patient experiences when formulating recommendations. Target audience includes clinicians; target population is adults with persistent headaches associated with neck pain.
RESULTS: When managing patients with headaches associated with neck pain, clinicians should (a) rule out major structural or other pathologies, or migraine as the cause of headaches; (b) classify headaches associated with neck pain as tension-type headache or cervicogenic headache once other sources of headache pathology has been ruled out; (c) provide care in partnership with the patient and involve the patient in care planning and decision making; (d) provide care in addition to structured patient education; (e) consider low-load endurance craniocervical and cervicoscapular exercises for tension-type headaches (episodic or chronic) or cervicogenic headaches >3 months duration; (f) consider general exercise, multimodal care (spinal mobilization, craniocervical exercise and postural correction) or clinical massage for chronic tension-type headaches; (g) do not offer manipulation of the cervical spine as the sole form of treatment for episodic or chronic tension-type headaches; (h) consider manual therapy (manipulation with or without mobilization) to the cervical and thoracic spine for cervicogenic headaches >3 months duration. However, there is no added benefit in combining spinal manipulation, spinal mobilization and exercises; and (i) reassess the patient at every visit to assess outcomes and determine whether a referral is indicated.
CONCLUSIONS: Our evidence-based guideline provides recommendations for the conservative management of persistent headaches associated with neck pain. The impact of the guideline in clinical practice requires validation.
SIGNIFICANCE: Neck pain and headaches are very common comorbidities in the population. Tension-type and cervicogenic headaches can be treated effectively with specific exercises. Manual therapy can be considered as an adjunct therapy to exercise to treat patients with cervicogenic headaches. The management of tension-type and cervicogenic headaches should be patient-centred
From the FULL TEXT Article:
Neck pain and headaches are common comorbidities. In
Canada, individuals with disabling neck pain are 10 times
more likely to suffer from co-morbid headaches than
those without neck pain (Côté, Cassidy, & Carroll, 2000).
Moreover, more than 80% of individuals who experience
headaches after a motor vehicle collision also experience
neck pain (Cassidy et al., 2000).
In 2008, the Bone and Joint Decade 2000–2010
Task Force on Neck Pain and Its Associated Disorders
recognized the link between neck pain and headaches
(Guzman et al., 2008). The Task Force defined neck pain
as an unpleasant and emotional experience in the cervical
spine and proposed a classification that ranges from neck
pain that is not associated with major structural pathology
or interference with activities of daily living (Grade I) to
neck pain caused by major structural pathology (Grade IV)
(Guzman et al., 2008). Each grade of neck pain can be associated
with headaches. However, the Task Force did not
explicitly define the type of headaches that are associated
with neck pain.
The International Classification of Headache Disorders
(ICHD-3) suggests that two types of headaches are linked to
the cervical spine: tension-type headaches and cervicogenic
headaches (Headache Classification Subcommittee of the
International Headache Society, 2018). Tension-type headache
(frequent episodic or chronic) is defined as being typically
bilateral, pressing or tightening in quality and of mild
to moderate intensity, lasting minutes to days or unremitting
on average for at least three months (Headache Classification
Subcommittee of the International Headache Society, 2018).
The pain does not worsen with routine physical activity and
is not or may be associated with nausea, though photophobia
or phonophobia may be present. It can be associated
with pericranial tenderness on manual palpation of the head
and neck muscles (Fernandez-de-las-Penas, Alonso-Blanco,
San-Roman, & Miangolarra-Page, 2006; Fernandez-de-
Las-Penas, Cuadrado, & Pareja, 2007; Sohn, Choi, Lee, &
Jun, 2010). Cervicogenic headaches are caused by a disorder
of the cervical spine (bony, disc and/or soft-tissue structures)
and are usually accompanied by neck pain (Headache
Classification Subcommittee of the International Headache
Society, 2018; Sjaastad & Bakketeig, 2008; Sjaastad,
Fredriksen, & Pfaffenrath, 1998).
It is estimated that 2,331,334,700 of the world's population
experience tension-type headaches in 2017 (Global
Burden of Disease 2017 Collaborators, 2018). Cervicogenic
headaches are also common in the general population. In
Denmark, the point prevalence of cervicogenic headaches is
2.5% in individuals between the ages of 20 and 59 and 17.8%
of people who report at least five headache days per month
suffer from cervicogenic headaches (Nilsson, 1995).
The clinical management of headaches associated with neck
pain is often challenging. Evidence suggests that cervical spine
exercises or manual therapy may be effective in the management
of tension-type or cervicogenic headaches (Varatharajan
et al., 2016). Moreover, available clinical practice guidelines
recommend that reassurance, acupuncture, exercise, physical
therapy (e.g., massage, spinal manipulation, hot and cold
packs, ultrasound and electrical stimulation) and psychological
interventions can be used to treat tension-type headaches
(Becker, Findlay, Moga, Scott, & Harstall, 2015; Bendtsen
et al., 2010; Carville, Padhi, Reason, Underwood, & Group,
Similarly, existing guidelines recommend that exercise,
spinal manipulation and cervical mobilization can be considered
for the treatment of cervicogenic headaches (Becker et
al., 2015; Duncan, Watson, & Stein, 2008). However, the four
guidelines currently available need to be updated because their
recommendations were informed by evidence published more
than five years ago (Clark, Donovan, & Schoettker, 2006;
Qaseem, Snow, Owens, & Shekelle, 2010). Therefore, a highquality
evidence-based clinical practice guideline informed by
the current evidence is recommended to inform the management
of headaches associated with neck pain.
Scope and purpose of the guideline
We used the best available evidence to develop a clinical
practice guideline for the non-pharmacological management
of persistent headaches associated with neck pain.
The target population is adults (18 years of age or older)
with persistent (>3 months duration) headaches associated
with neck pain. These headaches include tension-type
headache or cervicogenic headache (Table 1) (Headache
Classification Subcommittee of the International Headache
Society, 2018; Sjaastad & Bakketeig, 2008; Sjaastad et
al., 1998; Varatharajan et al., 2016).
interventions included acupuncture, exercise, manual
therapy, multimodal care, passive physical modalities,
soft-tissue therapies, structured patient education and
work disability prevention interventions, excluding medications
(interventions defined in Supporting information
Table S1). The target audience is clinicians (medical doctors,
physiotherapists, nurse practitioners, chiropractors,
kinesiologists, psychologists, massage therapists, osteopaths
and naprapaths) who provide care for patients with
headaches associated with neck pain in primary, secondary
and tertiary healthcare settings. The clinical management
recommended in this guideline aims to (a) accelerate
recovery; (b) reduce the intensity of symptoms; (c) promote
early restoration of function; (d) prevent chronic pain
and disability; (e) improve health-related quality of life;
(f) reduce recurrences; and (g) promote active participation
of patients in their care. Moreover, this guideline aims
to promote uniform high-quality care for individuals with
headaches associated with neck pain.
This guideline was developed by the Ontario Protocol for
Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration, which
is a multidisciplinary team of expert clinicians (from medical,
dental, physiotherapy, chiropractic, psychological, occupational
therapy and nursing disciplines), academics and
scientists (epidemiologists, clinical epidemiologists, library
sciences and health economists), a patient liaison, a consumer
advocate, a retired judge and automobile insurance industry
experts. The OPTIMa Collaboration was mandated by the
funding organization to develop an evidence-based clinical
practice guideline for headaches associated with neck pain.
Systematic reviews
We updated the systematic reviews from the Bone and
Joint Decade 2000–2010 Task Force on Neck Pain and Its
Associated Disorders (Hurwitz et al., 2008). This update
included six systematic reviews (published in one article)
examining the effectiveness and safety of non-invasive interventions
for the management of headaches associated with
neck pain (Varatharajan et al., 2016). We also conducted
one systematic review examining cost-effectiveness of the
non-invasive interventions (data extraction completed but
not published). We registered the systematic reviews with
the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews
(PROSPERO; exercise: CRD42013004848, manual therapy:
CRD42013004901, acupuncture: CRD42013004687,
multimodal care: CRD42013006940) (National Institute for
Health Research n.d.).
The systematic reviews included studies examining the
effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions for the
management of persistent headaches associated with neck
pain (Table 1; Supporting information Table S1) (Headache
Classification Subcommittee of the International Headache
Society, 2018; Sjaastad & Bakketeig, 2008; Sjaastad et al.,
1998). We excluded studies of migraine (with or without
aura), traumatic brain injuries and underlying pathological
processes. Eligible comparators for non-pharmacological interventions
included other interventions, placebo/sham interventions,
non-intervention effects associated with wait listing
or no intervention. The clinical outcomes of interest included
self-rated recovery, functional recovery, disability, pain intensity,
health-related quality of life, psychological outcomes
or adverse events. Eligible study designs included randomized
controlled trials (RCTs), cohort studies and case–control
studies published in English. Only full economic evaluations
that jointly analysed costs and health outcomes were eligible
for inclusion in the cost-effectiveness review.
We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO and the
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials through
Ovid Technologies, Inc., and CINAHL Plus with Full
Text through EBSCOhost (Supporting information Table
S2A and B). We also searched EconLit through ProQuest,
Health Technology Assessment (Cochrane) and National
Health Service Economic Evaluation Database (Cochrane)
for economic evaluations (Supporting information Table
S2A and B). Our searches included publication dates from
January 1990 to February or March 2015 (search dates varied
between reviews) for non-invasive interventions and 2)
to August 2013 for the cost-effectiveness of non-invasive
interventions. We updated searches of the six systematic reviews
from February or March 2015 (search dates varied between
reviews) to 25 February 2017 in MEDLINE to identify
any recently published RCTs. Random pairs of independent,
trained reviewers screened and critically appraised eligible
studies using the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network
(SIGN) criteria (Harbour & Miller, 2001).
Studies with low
risk of bias were included in the evidence synthesis (Slavin,
1995). Studies with low risk of bias studies were defined as
studies where selection bias, information bias and confounding
were deemed unlikely by two independent reviewers to
have threatened the internal validity of the study. Minimal
clinically important difference thresholds from the literature
were used to determine the clinical importance of the results
between groups from low risk of bias studies (Carroll, Jones,
Ozegovic, & Cassidy, 2012; Farrar, Young, LaMoreaux,
Werth, & Poole, 2001; Lauche, Langhorst, Dobos, & Cramer,
2013; McCarthy, Grevitt, Silcocks, & Hobbs, 2007; Sim et
al., 2006; Stauffer, Taylor, Watson, Peloso, & Morrison,
Development of recommendations
The OPTIMa Collaboration developed the guideline using
the principles of patient-centred care and the Ontario Health
Technology Advisory Committee framework (Johnson et al.,
Specifically, we developed the evidence-based recommendations
according to the following:
Overall clinical benefits (i.e., effectiveness and safety of interventions
based on our systematic reviews) (Varatharajan
et al., 2016);
Value for money (i.e., cost-effectiveness of interventions
when available based on our systematic review);
Consistency with expected societal and ethical values (including
persons’ lived experiences with their treatment
based on our qualitative research) (Lindsay, Mior, Côté,
Carroll, & Shearer, 2016).
The OPTIMa Collaboration included a chair, a project
manager, a multidisciplinary Guideline Expert Panel (including
a consumer representative and a nurse/qualitative researcher
who represented patients’ views), a recommendation
subcommittee, a technical team and consultants. The technical
team conducted all systematic reviews; the Guideline
Expert Panel reviewed and approved the methodological
merit, analysis and interpretation of systematic reviews. In
collaboration with the recommendation sub-committee, the
authors of each systematic review developed draft clinical
recommendations. The Guideline Expert Panel reviewed and
modified draft recommendations and approved final recommendations.
When research evidence was sparse (e.g., red
flags), the Guideline Expert Panel used evidence from three
other headache guidelines to inform its recommendations
(Carville et al., 2012; Duncan et al., 2008; Perry et al., 2017).
The translation of scientific evidence into guideline recommendations
followed five steps (Table 2). Finally, the technical
team integrated recommendations into care pathways and
algorithms, which were approved by the Guideline Expert
Panel (Figures 1?6).
This guideline adapted the National Institute for Health
and Care Excellence methodology to develop the wording
of guideline recommendations (Table 3) (Vargas-Schaffer,
Based on this methodology, we worded recommendations
as follows:
Offer interventions that are of superior effectiveness compared
to other interventions, placebo/sham interventions or
no intervention
Consider interventions providing similar effectiveness to
other interventions
Do not offer interventions providing no benefit beyond
placebo/sham or are harmful
Using the results from the systematic reviews, the
Recommendation Subcommittee interpreted the evidence on
the effectiveness and safety of interventions by determining
whether an intervention was superior, equal or inferior to
placebo/sham or a control intervention. An intervention was
deemed to have superior effectiveness if evidence of statistically
significant and clinically important benefits was identified
in at least one RCT with a low risk of bias. Interventions
for which there is inconclusive evidence of effectiveness were
not recommended (Supporting information Table S3).
We reported the frequencies and durations of care for
recommended interventions based on low risk of bias studies
in our systematic reviews. Specifically, for recommended
interventions based on one low risk of bias study, we used
the frequency and duration of care in that study. For recommended
interventions based on more than one low risk of
bias study, we computed mean frequency and duration of a
specific intervention across studies and recommended the
frequency and duration of care (Côté & Soklaridis, 2011;
Doshmangir, Doshmangir, & Shaghaghi, 2017).
External consultation and review of the guideline
This evidence-based clinical practice guideline was developed
for the Government of Ontario. The Government invited stakeholders
to review and comment on the guideline. Moreover, the
Government held a series of public consultations on the clinical
practice guideline from 17 to 21 August 2015. The Government
will determine its applicability to the Ontario healthcare system.
It is recommended that this guideline is updated in five
years so that the guideline is based on current evidence (Kung,
Miller, & Mackowiak, 2012). The update should use methodology
similar to the development of this guideline.
We updated the original search of the literature conducted for
the original six systematic reviews (extending from February
or March 2015 to 25 February 2017). This search yielded 417
articles (after duplicates removed), of which three RCTs were
relevant, and all three had a low risk of bias (Supporting information
Table S4). The low risk of bias studies from the updated
searches investigated the following interventions: (a) manual
therapy (Dunning et al., 2016; Espi-Lopez, Zurriaga-Llorens,
Monzani, & Falla, 2016); (b) multimodal care (Dunning
et al., 2016); and (c) soft-tissue therapies (Damapong,
Kanchanakhan, Eungpinichpong, Putthapitak, & Damapong,
2015). None of these studies provided evidence that conflicted
with the original recommendations developed by the OPTIMa
Collaboration (i.e., based on original searches conducted in
February or March 2015). We only identified one low risk of
bias cost-effectiveness study (Witt, Reinhold, Jena, Brinkhaus,
& Willich, 2008).
All recommended interventions are supported by evidence
of effectiveness, safety and cost-effectiveness (when costeffectiveness
data were available), and are consistent with
societal and ethical values. Interventions that are not recommended
did not satisfy the criteria of one or more key
decision determinants (i.e., evidence of effectiveness, safety,
cost-effectiveness and/or consistency with societal and ethical
Recommendation 1: evaluation of headaches associated with neck pain
Clinicians should rule out major structural or other pathologies,
or migraine as the cause of headaches. Clinicians should
classify headaches as tension-type headache or cervicogenic
Clinicians should conduct a clinical evaluation to rule out
major structural or other pathologies (e.g., migraines with or
without aura, and traumatic brain injuries) as the cause of
presenting signs and symptoms. The presence of risk factors
for serious pathologies (also termed “red flags”) identified
during the history/examination warrants further investigation
and referral to the appropriate healthcare professional (Table
4) (Carville et al., 2012; Duncan et al., 2008; Perry et al.,
2017). Once major pathology has been ruled out, clinicians
should classify headaches as tension-type or cervicogenic
headaches, and the patient should receive the appropriate evidence-
based interventions (Figures 2, 4 and 6, care pathways).

Recommendation 2: management of persistent headaches associated with neck pain
Clinicians should provide care in partnership with the patient
and involve the patient in care planning and decision making.
For headaches associated with neck pain, clinicians
should provide care in partnership with the patient and involve
the patient in care planning and decision making
(Stiggelbout et al., 2012). Clinicians should aim to understand
the patient's beliefs and expectations about headaches
and address any misunderstandings or apprehension through
education and reassurance. Clinicians need to advise patients
to stay active or exercise, provide information about pain and
its mechanism, reassure patients about the nature and course
of headaches, and deliver time-limited care that includes
effective interventions (Yu et al., 2016). In the presence of
prognostic factors (e.g., psychosocial factors, demographics
and headache characteristics) for delayed recovery, clinicians
should discuss them with the patient and adjust their care
plan accordingly (Probyn et al., 2017).

Recommendation 3: management of episodic tension-type headaches
For patients with episodic tension-type headaches, clinicians
may consider low-load endurance craniocervical and cervicoscapular
exercises in addition to structured patient education
(Tables 5 and 6, Figures 1,2). In view of evidence of no
effectiveness, clinicians should not offer manipulation of the
cervical spine.
Structured patient education
Clinicians should provide information about the nature,
management and course of episodic tension-type headaches
as a framework for initiating the programme of care. This
recommendation is based on universal principles of health
professions’ standards of practice wherein patients are informed
and educated about their condition and participate
in the decision-making process (Stiggelbout et al., 2012).
Low-load endurance craniocervical and cervicoscapular exercises
Clinicians may consider low-load endurance craniocervical
and cervicoscapular exercises (a maximum of 8 sessions
over 6 weeks with resistance in a supervised clinical
environment). This involves supervised and home-based
low-load endurance exercises to perform a slow and controlled
craniocervical flexion against resistance over time
to train muscular control of the craniocervical and cervicoscapular
region. The exercise programme should be
taught to the patient by a healthcare professional. This
recommendation is based on one low risk of bias RCT
that found adding low-load endurance exercises (6-week
supervised period, twice a day for 10 min per session at
home, then at least twice per week after supervised period)
to physiotherapy (i.e., Western massage, low-velocity
passive cervical joint mobilization and instruction on
postural correction) is superior to physiotherapy alone
for improving headache frequency in the long-term for
chronic or episodic tension-type headaches (van Ettekoven
& Lucas, 2006).
Editorial Comment:
The following manual therapy conclusion, based on the (Bove & Nilsson, 1998) is incorrect.
Because I had just finished an acupuncture program, I wrote to Geoffrey Bove, D.C., Ph.D. the day his study was first published online (November 11, 1998) on the CHIROSCI-LIST to ask him:
Below are AMA's abstract, and an additional article from the AMA "Science News Update", on a study of 75 people who received 8 "treatments" in 4 weeks and failed to respond...even though they admit that both groups reduced in symptoms and drug reliance.
Strangely, the placebo group received laser treatment to the neck and back. It is unclear, when they state they used a "a placebo laser treatment "...does that mean the laser was a fake, or was it an operational laser, which they considered a "neutral" treatment?
He responded almost immediately and said:
We cited a paper that demonstrated that laser light therapy could be expected to have no more effect than placebo.
It was an operational laser.
So his “inert” laser was in fact another active treatment.
When you couple that with the actual results of the trial, which found that
“both groups reduced in symptoms and drug reliance”
what you are left with is a study that actually found that both chiropractic care AND laser acupuncture WERE effective. I do not fault Dr. Bove for this error, because at that time (late 90s) the only published literature on laser-acupuncture research was published in Chinese, and so was unavailable to him.
It's now 22 years later, and laser is being widely used in the U.S. as an alternative acupuncture treatment.
My suspicion is that the OPTIMa group probably reviewed the abstract, and NOT the full-text study, because they would have come to the same conclusion that I did, which is that the “placebo of choice” was, in fact, another active treatment.
That is why their conclusion that “Clinicians should not offer manipulation of the cervical spine” is in error, and should state that both chiropractic and laser actupuncture have been shown to be effective for episodic tension-type headaches.
You may review the article under discussion [1], or the complete e-mail exchange with Dr. Bove [2]on our website.
Manipulation and Tension Headaches in the AMA Journal
A Chiro.Org Editorial ~ Wednesday, November 11, 1998
Correspondence with the author, Dr. Bove
A Chiro.Org Editorial ~ Wednesday, November 11, 1998
Manual therapy
Clinicians should not offer manipulation of the cervical
spine. This recommendation is based on two low risk of bias
RCTs suggesting that cervical manipulation combined with
massage led to similar outcomes as inert LASER combined
with massage (Bove & Nilsson, 1998) or massage alone
(Espi-Lopez et al., 2016).

Recommendation 4: management of chronic tension-type headaches
For patients with chronic tension-type headaches, clinicians
may consider general exercise (including warm-up, neck and
shoulder stretching and strengthening, and aerobic exercises),
low-load endurance craniocervical and cervicoscapular exercises,
multimodal care (combining spinal mobilization,
craniocervical exercise and postural correction) or clinical
massage in addition to structured patient education. In view
of evidence of no effectiveness, clinicians should not offer
manipulation of the cervical spine as the sole form of treatment
(recommendation Tables 5 and 6, Figures 3 and 4).
Structured patient education
As described above, clinicians should provide information about
the nature, management and course of chronic tension-type
headaches as a framework for initiating the programme of care.
Clinicians may consider a general clinic- and home-based
exercise programme (warm-up, neck and shoulder stretching
and strengthening, aerobic exercise) limited to a maximum
of 25 sessions over 12 weeks. The exercise programme
should be taught and supervised by a healthcare professional.
This recommendation is based on one low risk of bias RCT.
The RCT by Soderberg et al. suggests that similar outcomes
in headache intensity and quality of life post-intervention
and at three months are obtained from either general exercise
(25 sessions over 10–12 weeks), needle acupuncture,
or combined relaxation training and stress coping therapy
(Soderberg, Carlsson, & Stener-Victorin, 2006; Soderberg,
Carlsson, Stener-Victorin, & Dahlof, 2011).
Clinicians may consider low-load endurance craniocervical
and cervicoscapular exercises (a maximum of 8
sessions over 6 weeks with resistance). This involves supervised
and home-based low-load endurance exercises
against resistance over time to train muscular control of
the craniocervical and cervicoscapular region. The exercise
programme should be taught to the patient by a healthcare
professional. This recommendation is based on one low
risk of bias RCT that found adding low-load endurance exercises
(6-week supervised period, twice a day for 10 min
per session at home, then at least twice per week after supervised
period) to physiotherapy (Western massage, lowvelocity
passive cervical joint mobilization, instruction on
postural correction) is superior to physiotherapy alone for
improving headache frequency in the long term for chronic
or episodic tension-type headaches (van Ettekoven &
Lucas, 2006).
Multimodal care
Clinicians may offer a maximum of nine sessions over eight
weeks of multimodal care that includes spinal mobilization,
craniocervical exercises and postural correction. This multimodal
care programme should be provided to the patient by a
healthcare professional. This recommendation is based on one
low risk of bias RCT that found a multimodal care programme
(cervical and thoracic mobilization, craniocervical exercise
and postural correction) (30 min per session for a maximum of
nine sessions) is more effective than usual general practitioner
(GP) care in reducing symptom intensity related to chronic
tension-type headache (Castien, Windt, Grooten, & Dekker,
Soft-tissue therapy
Clinicians may consider eight 45-min sessions of clinical
massage (2 sessions per week over 4 weeks). This recommendation
is based on one low risk of bias RCT suggesting that
court-type traditional Thai massage (a form of clinical massage)
(45 min per session, 2 sessions per week over 4 weeks)
and amitriptyline may lead to similar outcomes (Damapong
et al., 2015).
Editorial Comment:
The following manual therapy conclusion, based on the Espi-Lopez et al., 2016 is also incorrect.
In fact, the Full-Text conclusion [1] states:
This study confirms the efficacy derived from the application of treatment focused on the upper cervical region for tension-type headache (TTH). Both interventions, massage alone or massage combined with manipulation, showed positive results for headache relief. However, the addition of manipulation was more effective at improving upper cervical and cervical flexion range of motion. Moreover, the addition of manipulation was more effective than massage alone for reducing the impact of headache on the four sub-dimensions of the Headache Disability Inventory (HDI).
That last sentence caught my eye, because improvements in CROM is considered a positive outcome that supports the care provided.
So it's unclear how the OPTIMa group came up with the impredssion that:
cervical manipulation combined with massage led to similar outcomes as massage alone
The Espi-Lopez et al. study was accomplished by the Department of Physiotherapy, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain. I have no idea what their training in manipulation is like, OR how extensive it is compared with standard chiropractic training, but from studying pictures provided in other European manipulation trials by PTs from Europe, the positioning of patients and the contact-points applied to lumbar and sacroiliac regions look nothing like what U.S. DCs are taught, so my general impression is that it is not what we would title as very "specific" to the joint in question.
The Effect of Manipulation Plus Massage therapy Versus Massage Therapy Alone in People with Tension-type Headache. A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2016 (Oct); 52 (5): 606–617
Manual therapy
Clinicians should not offer cervical spine manipulation. This
recommendation is based on one low risk of bias RCT suggesting
that cervical manipulation combined with massage led to
similar outcomes as massage alone (Espi-Lopez et al., 2016).

Recommendation 5: Management of persistent cervicogenic headaches
For patients with cervicogenic headaches >3 months duration,
clinicians may consider low-load endurance craniocervical and
cervicoscapular exercises or manual therapy (manipulation with
or without mobilization) to the cervical and thoracic spine in
addition to structured patient education. However, there is no
added benefit in combining spinal manipulation, spinal mobilization
and exercises (Tables 5 and 6, Figures 5 and 6).
Structured patient education
As described above, clinicians should provide information about
the nature, management and course of persistent cervicogenic
headaches as a framework for initiating the programme of care.
Clinicians may consider low-load endurance craniocervical and
cervicoscapular exercise with resistance limited to a maximum
of eight sessions over six weeks. This involves supervised and
home-b ased low-load endurance exercises against resistance
over time to train muscular control of the craniocervical and cervicoscapular
region. The exercise programme should be taught
to the patient by a healthcare professional. This recommendation
is based on one low risk of bias RCT suggesting that low-load endurance
craniocervical and cervicoscapular exercise (8–12 visits
over 6 weeks)is more effective than no intervention in improving
headache-related outcomes and neck symptoms for the management
of chronic cervicogenic headaches (Jull et al., 2002).
Manual therapy
Clinicians may consider manual therapy (manipulation with
or without mobilization) to the cervical and thoracic spine
limited to a maximum of 10 sessions over six weeks.
This recommendation is based on three low risk of bias RCTs suggesting that
(a) spinal manipulation combined with light massage and moist heat (8 or 16 treatments over 8 weeks) is more effective than light massage and moist heat alone in improving headache pain, headache frequency and headache-induced disability (Haas, Schneider, & Vavrek, 2010; Haas, Spegman, Peters on, Aickin, & Vavrek, 2010);
(b) spinal manipulation and mobilization (8–12 visits over 6 weeks) are more effective than no intervention in improving headache-related outcomes and neck symptoms (Jull et al., 2002); and
(c) spinal manipulation (6–8 sessions over 4 weeks) is more effective than multimodal care (spinal mobilization and craniocervical flexion exercise) (Dunning et al., 2016).
Multimodal care
Clinicians should not offer a multimodal programme of care
that includes a combination of exercise, spinal manipulation
and spinal mobilization. This recommendation is based on
two low risk of bias RCTs suggesting that (1) combining
low-load endurance exercises with spinal manipulation and
mobilization is not more clinically beneficial than providing
either intervention alone (Jull et al., 2002) and (2) combining
craniocervical flexion exercise and spinal mobilization is less
effective than spinal manipulation (Dunning et al., 2016).

Recommendation 6: Reevaluation and discharge
Clinicians should reassess the patient at every visit to determine
whether (a) additional care is necessary; (b) the condition
is worsening; or (c) the patient has recovered. Patients
should be discharged as soon as they report significant recovery.
Healthcare professionals should use the self-rated recovery
question to measure recovery: “How well do you feel you
are recovering from your injuries?” (Carroll, Lis, Weiser, &
Torti, 2016; Fischer, Stewart, Bloch, Lorig, & Laurent, 1999).
worse, (f) much worse and (g) worse than ever. Patients reporting
to be “completely better” or “much improved” should
be considered recovered. The self-rated recovery question is
a valid and reliable global measure of recovery in patients
with headaches (Carroll et al., 2016; Fischer et al., 1999).
Patients who have not recovered should follow the care pathway
outlined in the guideline (Figures 2, 4 and 6).
We developed an evidence-based clinical practice guideline
to help clinicians deliver effective interventions for the management
of persistent headaches associated with neck pain.
The recommendations aim to promote uniform high-quality
care based on recent systematic reviews of the literature
and synthesis of best available evidence. Implementing the
evidence-based recommendations for headaches associated
with neck pain will likely improve patient outcomes, reduce
regional variations and improve the efficiency of the healthcare
system (Anis, Stiell, Stewart, & Laupacis, 1995; Nichol,
Stiell, Wells, Juergensen, & Laupacis, 1999; Rutten et al.,
Our guideline identifies clinical interventions that should
not be prescribed because their effectiveness is not established.
The Guideline Expert Panel did not recommend
these interventions to minimize the risk of iatrogenic disability
in patients with neck pain (Cassidy, Carroll, Côté,
& Frank, 2007; Côté et al., 2005; Côté & Soklaridis, 2011).
We found inconclusive evidence on the effectiveness of needle
acupuncture for the management of tension-type headaches
because the results of multiple high-quality RCTs
conflicted with each other (Varatharajan et al., 2016).
guideline does not recommend passive physical modalities,
stand-alone structured patient education or work disability
prevention interventions because their effectiveness has not
been evaluated in high-quality studies (Varatharajan et al.,
2016). Furthermore, multimodal care is a programme of care
that includes a combination of individual interventions (e.g.,
exercise and soft-tissue therapy). Our guideline evaluated the
effectiveness of both multimodal and individual interventions
based on available evidence. Therefore, one individual
intervention can be recommended as part of multimodal care
but is recommended against as a stand-alone intervention
(and vice versa).
Summary of recommendations
Clinicians should rule out major structural or other pathologies
as the cause of headaches. In the absence of major structural
or other pathologies, clinicians should classify headaches
associated with neck pain as tension-type or cervicogenic
headaches. In the context of shared decision making, clinicians
should discuss with the patient the range of effective
interventions available for the management of headaches associated
with neck pain. In the presence of prognostic factors
for delayed recovery, clinicians should discuss them with the
patient and adjust their care plan accordingly.
The following clinical interventions can be considered
for episodic tension-type headaches: low-load endurance
craniocervical and cervicoscapular exercises. For chronic
tension-type headaches, clinicians can consider general exercise
(warm-up, neck and shoulder stretching and strengthening,
aerobic exercises), low-load endurance craniocervical
and cervicoscapular exercises, multimodal care (spinal mobilization,
craniocervical exercise and postural correction) or
clinical massage. For persistent cervicogenic headaches, clinicians
can consider low-load endurance craniocervical and
cervicoscapular exercises, or manual therapy (manipulation
with or without mobilization) to the cervical and thoracic
spine. It is important to note that all recommended interventions
provide small benefits at best.
Comparison to previous guidelines
There are existing clinical practice guidelines to assist the
management of persistent headaches associated with neck
pain (Becker et al., 2015; Bendtsen et al., 2010; Carville et
al., 2012; Duncan et al., 2008). Overall, our recommendations
agree with those of previous clinical practice guidelines
(Becker et al., 2015; Bendtsen et al., 2010; Duncan et al.,
2008). For the management of tension-type headaches, patient
education and reassurance, exercise and massage are
recommended (Becker et al., 2015; Bendtsen et al., 2010);
cervical spine manipulation is not recommended (Bendtsen
et al., 2010). Exercise and manual therapy (manipulation
and mobilization) are recommended for the management of
cervicogenic headaches (Becker et al., 2015; Duncan et al.,
There are a few important differences between previous
guidelines and ours. Specifically, we do not recommend
or refute acupuncture for the management of tension-type
headaches and do not recommend multimodal care (lowload
endurance exercises, spinal manipulation and spinal
mobilization) for the management of persistent cervicogenic
headaches. These differences are likely because the
previous guidelines included studies with a high risk of
bias and small sample sizes, and need updating (Carlsson,
Augustinsson, Blomstrand, & Sullivan, 1990; Carlsson,
Fahlcrantz, & Augustinsson, 1990; Karst et al., 2001;
Kassak, Anderson, Assment, & Edina, 1995; Mousavi,
Mirbod, & Khorvash, 2011).
Our recent systematic review
found inconclusive evidence on the effectiveness of needle
acupuncture for the management of tension-type headaches
(Endres et al., 2007; Jena, Witt, Brinkhaus, Wegscheider,
& Willich, 2008; Melchart et al., 2005; Varatharajan et al.,
2016). Moreover, our recent systematic review identified
two high-quality studies which found that combining exercise
and spinal mobilization with or without spinal manipulation
was not clinically more beneficial than providing
either intervention alone for persistent cervicogenic headaches
(Dunning et al., 2016; Jull et al., 2002; Varatharajan
et al., 2016).
The publication of recent high-quality RCTs allows for
a meaningful update of previously published clinical practice
guidelines and will improve the ability of clinicians to
manage patients with headaches associated with neck pain.
The literature searches for the previously published guidelines
ended in 2009, 2011 and 2012 (Becker et al., 2015;
Bendtsen et al., 2010; Carville et al., 2012; Duncan et al.,
2008). Our guideline includes five new high-quality studies
(Castien et al., 2011; Damapong et al., 2015; Dunning et
al., 2016; Espi-Lopez et al., 2016; Haas, Schneider et al.,
2010; Haas, Spegman et al., 2010). One new study enabled
us to develop evidence-based recommendations on the
use of manual therapies and multimodal care (i.e., cervical
and thoracic mobilization, craniocervical exercise and
postural correction) for the management of tension-type
headaches (Castien et al., 2011). Two new RCTs add evidence
that clinical massage is effective (Damapong et al.,
2015) and that cervical manipulation is not effective for the
management of tension-type headaches (Espi-Lopez et al.,
2016). Moreover, recent high-quality evidence strengthens
the recommendation that spinal manipulation is effective
in reducing pain intensity and disability in patients with
persistent cervicogenic headaches (Dunning et al., 2016;
Haas, Schneider et al., 2010; Haas, Spegman et al., 2010).
Finally, the OPTIMa guideline improves previous clinical
practice guidelines by recommending optimal dosage of interventions
(frequency and durations of care).
Dissemination and implementation of this guideline
This guideline could be adapted for local use in other jurisdictions.
We recommend that clinicians, insurers and policymakers
use the ADAPTE framework to adapt this guideline
to their needs and environment (ADAPTE Collaboration
(2009), (2010).
Strengths and limitations
This clinical practice guideline is based on comprehensive
literature searches, and its recommendations were developed
from high-quality evidence. When developing clinical recommendations,
the Guideline Expert Panel considered effectiveness,
safety, cost-effectiveness and consistency with
societal and ethical values. Moreover, the lived experiences
of patients with their care were used when developing recommendations
(Lindsay et al., 2016). Our recommendations
also included consideration of effect sizes; minimal clinically
important differences were used to assess the magnitude of
benefit of an intervention on patient outcomes. Finally, the
Guideline Expert Panel disclosed any conflicts of interest and
maintained editorial independence.
Our recommendations were limited by the amount and
quality of published evidence (Varatharajan et al., 2016).
Specifically, we found no high-quality studies that investigated
the effectiveness of passive physical modalities,
stand-alone structured patient education and work disability
prevention interventions (Varatharajan et al., 2016). We
found little evidence to support the cost-effectiveness of
non-pharmacological interventions for the management of
headaches associated with neck pain. Similarly, evidence is
lacking to determine whether recommended interventions are
more effective than placebo or sham treatments. Future research
should prioritize these two areas of investigation.
The authors would like to acknowledge the invaluable contributions
to this guideline from Lynn Anderson, Carol
Cancelliere, Poonam Cardoso, Brenda Gamble, Willie
Handler, Viivi Riis, Paula Stern, Thepikaa Varatharajan,
Angela Verven and Leslie Verville.
Côté reports grants from Ontario Ministry of Finance
and Financial Services Commission of Ontario during
the conduct of this study. Dr. Côté reports grants from
Ontario Trillium Foundation, Skoll Foundation, Aviva
Canada, NCMIC Foundation, ELIB and Mitacs outside
the submitted work. Dr. Côté reports funding from Canada
Research Chair Program—Canadian Institutes of Health
Research during the conduct of this study; personal fees
from National Judicial Institute, Société des experts en
évaluation medico-légale du Québec and European Spine
Society, outside the submitted work. Dr. Mior reports research
grants from the Ontario Chiropractic Association
and Canadian Chiropractic Association. Dr. Ammendolia
reports funding from the Canadian Chiropractic Research
Foundation and the Arthritis Society. Dr. Ammendolia is
on the speaking bureau for NCMIC. For the remaining authors,
none were declared.
All authors have made substantial contributions to all of the
following: (a) substantial contributions to conception and design,
or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of
data; (b) drafting the article or revising it critically for important
intellectual content; and (c) final approval of the version
to be submitted. All authors discussed the results and commented
on the manuscript.
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Since 7-05-2019