Author: Virgil Seutter
Date: October 8, 1997
Parent Node:
1.0 Prologue
1.1 Phillips R. Philosophy and chiropractic divisions
and directions. J Chiropractic Humanities, 1995;5:1;2-7.
1.3. Self Organization. Principia Cybernetica Web.
1.3. Kimmel CB, Ballard WW, Kimmel SR, Ullmann B, Schilling TF. Stages
of Embryonic Development of the Zebrafish. Institute of Neuroscience,
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403; *Department of Biology, Dartmouth
College, Hanover, NH 03755
2.0 Holism: An Anthropological Concept Applied
to Medicine
2.1. The Brunel M.A. in Medical Anthropology.
2.1. Suzanne BF. Plato and His Dialogues. Exploring Ancient World
Cultures. Essays on Ancient Greece.
2.1. Plato.
2.1. Holistic Medicine. National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of
2.1. Rogers AM. Holistic concepts of health and disease.
2.2. Campbell J. The Mythic Dimension: Selected Essays.
2.2a. Campbell J, Moyers B. The power of myth.
New York. Doubleday, 1988.
2.2b. "It is the fact that mortality is an emergent
phenomenon, one that is dependent upon "intent and design." Comment: The
metaphysical implications of mortality as an emergent phenomenon could be
easily misconstrued. The recurrent use of "intent and design" is not intended
to underscore the metaphysical nature of man's mortal nature, nor consciousness
as a discussion of free will, but to reveal some starting point in the
search for a neuro cognitive relationship to biological function. What is
observed in the phenomenon of life is "form." It is, in essence, the "design"
of the organism that manifests as the "intent" of the organism in
fulfilling...whatever purpose he might imagine. A chiropractic premise that
stresses "structure" as related to "function" has not been able to find tools
for inquiry that might reveal the underlying nature of this relationship.
While chiropractic research has satisfied inquiry into the intrinsic nature
of the subluxation complex, the possibility that a more global approach is
needed, one that evaluates functional changes in structural relationships
may require the use of computational models for inquiry. How this is done
is yet to be determined. This merely represents a starting point in the
3.0. Holism: From Myth to Mysticism and Science
Caught In Between
3.2 Stahlman S. Defining Mysticism: Commentary on William James'
"The Varieties of Religious Experience" and "A Suggestion about Mysticism."
3.3. The Gaia Hypothesis - Lovelock & Margulis
- Introduction.
3.3. Abram D. The Perceptual Implications of Gaia.
4.0. Holism: Terminology and Culture: Defining
the Phenomenon
4.1 THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES by Charles Darwin 1859.
4.1 Antoine Henri Becquerel (1852-1908): On the rays emitted by
4.1 Albert Einstein.
4.1 Sir Issac Newton (1643-1727).
4.2. Holism.
4.2. Holistic Method.
4.2 Comments on "Complexity and the Future of Science."
4.4. "The White Man's Burden" and Its Critics By Jim Zwick,
Syracuse University
4.4. The Way To Peace: Mahatma Gandhi's Novniolent Revolution with
links. Beck Index.
4.5. From One to 50,000: The Evolution of a Profession
from the Chiropractic Centenial Foundation.
4.5 The Association for the History of Chiropractic: Preserving the Legacy
of the Profession by Mildred L. Kimbrough, B.S., D.C.
5.0. Holism and Complexity: Cybernetics
and Systems Theory
5.2 What is Systems Theory. Heylighen F., Joslyn C.
5.2. Ludwig von Bertalanffy 1901-1972. R511 Instructional Technology
Foundations: Historical Timelines Project.
5.2. von Bertalanffy L. General systems theory.
New York: George Braziller; 1988.
5.3. Cybernetics and the Integration of Knowledge.
Heylighen F.
5.3 Entropy on the World Wide Web. Chris Hillman. Shannon's
Information Theory.
5.4. Comments on "Complexity and the Future of Science."
6.0. Is it Biomedicine or InfoMedicine?
6.0 Comments are based upon the following source: Foss L, Rothenberg
K. The second medical revolution: from biomedicine to infomedicine.
Boston: New Science Library, 1987. The authors examine the role of
alternative medicine in relation to the established medical paradigm. The
"insurgents" are those groups that portray a countermovement against the
medical model. The authors recognize the alternatives to the medical model
as "holistic, behavioral, and environmental medicine." The ineffectual nature
of countermovements to challenge medicine is due to the failure "to offer
distinct laws and premises" that are based upon scientific principles mandating
an approach to disease causation. And, disease causation that "encompasses
all significant etiological factors" must demonstrate an effectual response
along scientific parameters. Part of this failure to undermine foundational
principles of biomedicine is the nature of the biomedical legacy. This legacy
has developed its own vocabulary in which certain presuppositions are reflected
"in such content terms as disease, cure, system, and cause." In essence,
any ability to establish laws, premises that challenge the reigning paradigm
(biomedicine), must "overcome the embeded bias of the language."
6.1. Paradigm.
6.1. Thomas Kuhn's Theory of Scientific Revolutions.
7.0 Holism, Chiropractic, and the Philosophy of
7.1 The Placebo Effect
7.1. A synopsis is provided on Jamison's article. Comments are provided
as an evaluation. Source: Jamison JR. Chiropractic holism: accessing the
placebo effect. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1994;17;339-451.
7.1.1. The placebo effect. The skeptic's dictionary.
7.1.1. The placebo response. HomeArts.
7.1.2. Jamison includes the observation that much of
the effects of manual therapy (and physiotherapy) can be attributed "to
nonspecific (placebo) effects." Source for this statement is based on the
following source: Koes BW, Bouter LM, Van Mameren H, Essers AH, Verstegen
GM, Hofhuizen DM, Houben JP, Knipschild PG. The effectiveness of manual
therapy, physiotherapy and treatment by the general practitioner for nonspecific
back and neck complaints: a randomized clinical trial. Spine 1992;17:28-35.
7.12. Foss L, Rothenberg K. The second medical revolution: from biomedicine
to infomedicine. Boston: New Science Library, 1987.
7.2 Holism: The Contextual Nature of Manual
7.2. Comments are based upon the following article:
Mootz R. The contextual nature of manual methods: challenges of the paradigm.
J Chiropractic Humanities. 1995;5;28-40. This article examines the contextual
nature of manual methods and the difficulty in obtaining scientific validation
and/or consensus. Opportunities, at least for Mootz, appear in the nature
of emerging technologies and the nature of investigative strategies. Innovation
in these areas may be "conducive to greater recognition of the importance
of the contextual nature of manual methods."
7.2.1 Black D. Fine Tuning: The promise of
Contextual Healing. Springville Utah; Tapestry Press, 1991.
7.2.1 Black D. Inner Wisdom: The Challenge of Contextual Healing.
Springville Utah; Tapestry Press, 1990.
7.2.3. Fuzzy logic background.
7.2.3. What Is A "Clinical Trial"?
7.2.3. Critical Assessment Reference Page. Contributions
from members of the Chiropractic Science/Research Listserv. Courtesy of Douglas
W. Smith, D.C., Sheelah R. Smith, L.Ac., Health and Fitness Information.
Provides a checklist for clinical trial evaluation.
7.2.4. Recent trends in personality and related fields.
7.2.4. Evidence Based Medicine.
8.0 Sorting Out the Myth from the Mysticism
8.2. Thomas Kuhn's Theory of Scientific Revolutions.
8.2. Keating J. Commentary: belief in science
and medicine (letter). J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1991;14;437-438.
8.3. Chiropractic theory. The skeptic's dictionary.
8.5 René Descartes (1596-1650)
8.5 René Descartes (1596-1650)
8.5 Dualism
8.5. A Computational Foundation for the Study of Cognition.
David J. Chalmers. Department of Philosophy University of California.
8.5 Penrose R. The emperor's new mind: concerning
computers, minds, and the laws of physics. New York; Penguin Books, 1989.
8.5 Review of The Emperor's New Mind by Roger Penrose. This
review appeared in Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 1990 October.
8.5 The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the
Laws of Physics by Roger Penrose. Reviewed by Jenny Monesson. 1996.
8.5 Self-Organization.
8.5 Deterministic.
8.5 Information System.
8.1 Chiropractic Philosophy: Communicating
an Idea
8.1.3. Pagels H. The dreams of reason: the computer
and the rise of the sciences of complexity. New York; Bantam, 1989.
8.1.3. Review of ``The Dreams of Reason: The Computer and the Rise of the
Sciences of Complexity'' by Heinz R. Pagels. Melanie Mitchell. In Bulletin
of the Santa Fe Institute,
Entire review
(in postscript).
8.1.3. Dualism. The skeptic's dictionary.
8.1.4 Innate Intelligence. INTELLIGENCE.
8.1.4 Vitalism. EQUIFINALITY
8.1.4. Metaphorical.
8.1.4 Calvin WH, Ojemann GA. Conversations with
Neil's Brain: The Neural Nature of Thought & Language.
Addison-Wesley, 1994.
8.2. Chiropractic Theory: An Incomplete
Explanation...or Misinterpreting the Idea
8.2.1. Chiropractic Philosophy for the 21st
Century. Stephen R. Seater, CAE Executive Director. Foundation for
Chiropractic Education and Research.
8.2.1. The Subluxation Complex: A Literature Review. Deb Callahan,
M.A. Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research.
8.2.3a Nansel D, Szlazak M. Somatic dysfunction
and the phenomenon of visceral disease simulation: a probable explanation
for the apparent effectiveness of somatic therapy in patients presumed to
be suffering from true visceral disease. J Manipulative Physiol Ther.
8.2.3b McCrea DA. Can sense be made of spinal
interneuron circuits? In: Harnard S., ed. "Behavioral and Brain Sciences."
New York: Cambridge Univ Press. 1992;15;633-43.
8.2.3c. Osborn CE, Poppele RE. Parallel distributed
network characteristics of the DSCT. J Neurophysiol. 1992;68;1100-12.
8.2.4a. Neveu PJ. Asymmetrical brain modulation
of the immune response. In: Purpura DP, ed. "Brain Research Reviews."
London: Elsevier. 1992;17;101-7.
8.2.4b. Nilsson C, Lindval-Axelsson M.
Neuroendocrine regulatory mechanisms in the choroid plexus-cerebrospinal
fluid system. In: Purpura DP, ed. "Brain Research Reviews." London: Elsevier.
8.2.4c. Edelman GM. Brilliant air, brilliant
fire: on the matter of the mind. USA: Basic Books, 1992.
8.2.6a. Silent Ischemia as a Central Problem...,
Annals 1 Jun 96. Neuroscience Web Search.
8.2.6b. Siddall PJ, Cousins MJ. Spine update:
spinal pain mechanisms. Spine. 1997;22:1;98-104.
Further Reading
History of Western Biomedicine
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