Author: Virgil Seutter
Date:     October 8, 1997
Parent Node:

Commentary: Holism, Alternative Medicine, and Why Chiropractic Embraces It

This article examines the role of holism in chiropractic thinking and the inability to differentiate "classical" holism from "contemporary" holism. It further provides an alternate viewpoint that examines the possibility that the conflict between the theory and the philosophy exist, in part, because of incomplete explanations in the subluxation theory. This conflict in contextual explanations cannot be understood without examination of holism and its role in chiropractic thinking. Whether it is possible that an incomplete theory could contribute to stagnation in the development of chiropractic as a science will be left for critics to evaluate.

Child Nodes:


1.  Prologue
2.  Holism: An Anthropological Concept Applied to Medicine
3.  Holism: From Myth to Mysticism and Science Caught In Between
4.  Holism: Terminology and Culture: Defining the Phenomenon
5.  Holism and Complexity: Cybernetics and Systems Theory
6.  Is it Biomedicine or InfoMedicine?
7.  Holism, Chiropractic, and the Philosophy of Science
     7.1 The Placebo Effect
     7.2 The Contextual Nature of Manual Methods
8.  Sorting Out Myth from Mysticism
     8.1  Chiropractic Philosophy: Expressing an Idea
     8.2  Chiropractic Theory: An Incomplete Explanation...or Misinterpreting the Idea
9.  Dynamical Systems and Information Theory

Seutter, V. "Commentary: Holism, Alternative Medicine, and Why Chiropractic Embraces It. Contents" Chiropractic Resource Organization. 8 Oct 1997. ChiroZine ISSN1525-4550
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