Paracetamol, paracetamol-weak opioid compounds,
Muscle relaxants
Strong opioids
Antidepressant Medications
Bed Rest
Advice on Staying Active
Bed Rest
There are now 9 RCTs of bed rest for acute or
recurrent LBP with or without referred leg pain. These consistently
show that bed rest is not effective. The only trial showing positive
results for bed rest was very atypical and the results cannot be
applied to U.K. primary care. (Wiesel et al 1980). Despite
widespread practice, there is little evidence on the efficacy of bed
rest for disc prolapse or nerve root pain. The only RCT is a very
early trial of poor methodological quality, but showed that bed rest
is not as effective as epidural anaesthesia (Coomes 1961). There is
no evidence that hospital bed rest is any more effective.