Menopause Relief

This section was compiled by Frank M. Painter, D.C.
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The Chiropractic And Infertility Page
A Chiro.Org article collection

This page reviews numerous case studies which demonstrate a relationship between spinal dysfunction and infertility.

The Chiropractic And Female Issues Page
A Chiro.Org article collection

This page contains abstracts supporting chiropractic care for a variety of female health issues.

Prospective Case Series on the Effects of
Lumbosacral Manipulation on Dysmenorrhea

J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2008 (Mar); 31 (3): 237–246 ~ FULL TEXT

This prospective case series suggests the possibility that menstrual pain associated with primary dysmenorrhea may be alleviated by treating motion segment restrictions of the lumbosacral spine with a drop table technique. The research team needs to conduct a well-designed feasibility trial to further evaluate the effectiveness of this specific spinal manipulative technique for primary dysmenorrhea.

Ease Into Menopause Naturally
Nutrition Science News

“Choice” is a concept closely associated with the generation of women now making their way through menopause. It is a concept that throughout most of their lives has motivated, bitterly divided and most of all conditioned these women to question the status quo--from civil rights to reproductive rights. So it comes as no surprise that when the vanguard of this generation experienced the onset of menopause and discovered that easing their symptoms meant choosing among their hearts, bones and breasts, they demanded more--more research, more guarantees, more choice in menopausal management options.

Estrogen's Two-Way Street
Nutrition Science News (November 2001)

The continuing controversy over the health benefits and risks of estrogen is a complex and evolving story. Part of the reason is because estrogen is a much more complicated substance than originally believed. Although most people think of estrogen as a single entity, these hormones are actually three biochemically distinct molecules the body produces naturally—estrone (E1), estradiol (E2), and estriol (E3). These three estrogen molecules have different activities that make them more or less "estrogenic." The estrogenic activity often determines the mutagenic or carcinogenic potential of an estrogen.

Understanding Premenstrual Syndrome
Nutrition Science News

Statistics today indicate that as many as 30 percent to 40 percent of menstruating women commonly experience some symptoms of PMS during the premenstrual period. In recent years it has been observed that PMS symptoms occur in definable clusters, leading to four distinct medical classifications. [1] Most women experience one or a combination of these symptom clusters.

Menopause –   Stopping The Symptoms Before They Stop You
LEF Magazine June 1998

Forty-five million women are menopausal in the United States today, and another 3.5 million women will become menopausal this year. Based on life expectancy trends, women face the prospect of spending the last one-third to one-half of their lives in a state of hormonal imbalance. The quality and quantity of life for these women will be determined by how well they (and their doctors) manage their hormone-replacement needs.

Hot Flashes: A Review of the Literature on Alternative and Complementary
Treatment Approaches

Alternative Medicine Review 2003 (Aug); 8 (3): 284–302 ~ FULL TEXT

Hot flashes are a common experience for menopausal women, with an 85-percent incidence in the West. With the increased knowledge of side effects attributable to conventional treatment options, more women are exploring natural alternatives. Although more definitive research is necessary, several natural therapies show promise in treating hot flashes without the risks associated with conventional therapies. Soy and other phytoestrogens, black cohosh, evening primrose oil, vitamin E, the bioflavonoid hesperidin with vitamin C, ferulic acid, acupuncture treatment, and regular aerobic exercise have been shown effective in treating hot flashes in menopausal women.

Soy Isoflavones May Cut Menopausal Cardiovascular Risk
Nutrition Science News ~ July 1999

A woman's body goes through many changes during menopause—some of them with potential to affect cardiovascular health. When women's estrogen levels decrease during menopause, blood vessels can become rigid and less responsive to changes in blood flow and blood flow-altering mediators such as nitric oxide. Until now this decline in cardiovascular health was a risk women had to face if they opted against hormone replacement therapy. But research published in the March issue of The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism [1999;84(3):895-8] suggests that Promensil, an isoflavone-based dietary supplement derived from red clover, may help women maintain blood vessel elasticity and prevent hypertension during menopause.

Natural Menopausal Treatments: What's Hot, What's Not
The growing interest in natural menopausal treatments is partly because standard synthetic hormone replacement therapy has been linked to symptoms such as vaginal bleeding, bloating, and breast tenderness, as well as higher risks of breast and endometrial cancers. And although the scientific proof backing alternative treatments is not yet as extensive as it is on HRT, there is considerable evidence that natural remedies can indeed reduce the number and intensity of symptoms, all with mild or no side effects.

Soy Isoflavones for Women's Health: Is Soy a Viable Alternative
to Traditional Estrogen Hormone Replacement?

In April and May of 1998, newspaper headlines were buzzing with news of the latest cancer prevention pills. Two prescription drugs, tamoxifen and raloxifene, were found to reduce the risk of breast cancer. There were drawbacks to the pharmaceuticals, however, as there usually are: Tamoxifen increased the risk of endometrial cancer and pulmonary embolism (blood clots in the lungs), and raloxifene users were more likely to suffer from hot flashes and leg cramps.

Estrogen Replacements
This article discusses the three "natural" human estrogens (estrone, estradiol, and estriol), the so-called xenoestrogens (including "designer estrogens" like tamoxifen and raloxifene, and Pesticides and Herbicides, which also induce estrogenic properties in humans), and the Phytoestrogens (derived from red clover, soy and certain other legumes). It then discusses the safety of phytoestrogen replacement for hormonal balancing.

The Black Cohosh Page
Research and articles about this herb, which can reduce menopausal symptoms without side-effects.

The Dong Quai Page
Research and articles about this herb, which can reduce menopausal symptoms without side-effects.

The Soy Protein Page
A large collection of articles and abstracts about this wonderful food and it's varied health benefits.

WOW! It's all here.


What is Menopause?

Menopause, which involves the natural cessation of menstruation, is an event stemming from the lack of ovarian function and the subsequent curtailment of ovarian hormone secretion. During menopause, menstrual patterns change dramatically, estrogen levels fall and FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) levels increase. During this time, 65 percent of the requests for treatment are due to night sweats, and 45 percent are due to psychological syndromes.

The primary symptoms of menopause are:

Vasomotor:   Hot flashes, palpitations, spontaneous sweating, panic attacks and the inability to sleep.

Psychological:   Anxiety, mood swings, depression, poor memory and lack of concentration.

Urogenital:   Sexual organ atrophy, dyspareunia (pain during sex), trigonitis and frequent and urgent urination.

Skeletal:   Osteoporosis, vertebral crush fractures and femoral neck fractures. Symptoms usually begin well into menopause.

Cardiovascular:   Ischemic heart disease and/or cerebrovascular disease. Symptoms usually begin well into menopause.

The average age for those seeking treatment for menopause is 44. Currently, the most prescribed hormone replacement therapy is Premarin, a form of estrogen that alleviates some of the symptoms of menopause .. . and increases, at the same time, the risk of hormone-dependent cancers.


Supplements That Help

Efficacy of Black cohosh-containing Preparations
on Menopausal Symptoms: A Meta-analysis

Altern Ther Health Med. 2010 (Jan); 16 (1): 36–44

A systematic search of three databases (PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane library) was conducted to identify relevant literature. Two reviewers independently abstracted the data from the eligible studies. Of the 288 English language citations screened, nine randomized placebo-controlled trials were included. Among these trials, six demonstrated a significant improvement in the black cohosh group compared with the placebo group.

Black Cohosh

Efficacy of Black Cohosh

From Prescription for Health Newsletter - July 1999.

By Shari Lieberman

Several placebo controlled, randomized, multi-center trials show that a black cohosh proprietary extract is effective in alleviating menopausal symptoms. Studies have shown results with black cohosh are equal to conventional hormone treatment therapy with negligible side effects.

An issue has been raised concerning black cohosh's hormonal-like activity. The German Commission E monograph describes no contraindications with the herb. Many studies recommend its use for menopausal women who are at risk for breast cancer or who experience surgically or medically induced menopause. Several studies have looked at black cohosh's effects on estrogen receptors. Black Cohosh constituents have been shown to bind to estrogen receptors in animal studies. However, human and animal studies have shown they do not affect luteinizing hormone levels.

Although effects on vaginal parameters have been suggested in earlier studies, recent studies show black Cohosh does not exhibit estrogen-like effects. A recent study showed the herbal extract doesn't exert an estrogenic effect on the vagina and uterus of ovariectomized rats and mice. Also, the Ames test demonstrated no evidence of mutagenicity. Another toxicology study gave extraordinarily high levels of black Cohosh to female Wistar rats without any abnormalities reported.

An in vitro study was conducted with breast cancer cell lines to determine Black Cohosh extract's effect on their proliferation. (Estrogen will proliferate estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer cell lines.) A concentration-dependent proliferation inhibition was observed for black Cohosh that may be interpreted as an estrogen receptor blockade. In the presence of estradiol and black Cohosh, the estrogen-induced stimulatory effects of estradiol are inhibited by the herbal extract. When tamoxifen was added to the breast cancer cell lines exposed to estrogen, it significantly decreased cancer cell proliferation. However, the inhibitory effects of tamoxifen and black Cohosh applied simultaneously to breast cancer cells exposed to estrogen was greater than the individual substances. This suggests black Cohosh is a viable alternative for women who've had breast cancer.

Recent studies reveal that women on estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) for five-plus years, with or with out progestin, have a 35 to 50 percent increased risk of breast cancer. Black cohosh appears to be as effective --yet far safer-than conventional treatment for menopausal symptoms.

Black cohosh, or Cimicifuga racemosa, is a major component of Shaklee Corporation's new product for relief of menopause related symptoms called Menopause Balance Complex*.

More research information on Black Cohosh

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