Author: Virgil Seutter
Date: October 8, 1997
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4.0 Holism: Terminology and Culture: Defining the Phenomenon
4.1. The turn of the century saw a change in thinking. Science was moving
on, expanding its knowledge-base by exploring more dynamic theories to replace
the static, deterministic viewpoint of the world. It saw the emergence of
Darwin (1859) and the theory of evolution,
Henri Becquerel
(1896) and the theory of radioactivity, and
Einstein (1905) and the theory of relativity. The mechanistic theories
of Newton (1687)
and the pre-Darwinian world were soon challenged by the theory of an "evolving
dynamic whole" rather than the limited "atomistic" theories that focused
on the parts, rather than the whole to which it belonged..
4.2. It was in the early century that
Jan Christiaan Smuts
(1920's) coined the word
to categorize these dynamic theories. Taken from the Greek word "holo," the
term has prevailed to the present. Taken further, it has probably influenced
the thinking that has advanced the new theories in
complexity science
that defines the possibility of a superimposed function on top of, or coexisting
with, a structural component.
4.3. The advancement of science lies in the recognition that old theories
serve only as a stepping-stone to other possibilities. Progress in science
is not restricted to pure technical accomplishment. It is influenced by cultural
factors as well. Advancement in science is partly dependent upon how man
views change.
4.4. Change for science in the early twentieth century was influenced by
cultural changes. It was a time when men dreamed dreams. It was a time influenced
by people like Rudyard
Kipling (1899),
Mahatma Gandhi (1906),
Woodrow Wilson (1915) and the League of Nations. It was the enchantment
with foreign lands and dominance in the power of nations. It was the
improprieties in the struggle for freedom and self-determination. No longer
did the dynamic theories of science apply only to technical interrelationships,
but man and his role to nations, the parts to the wholes, was challenged.
4.5. It was here, too, that
(1895) (4.5) introduced chiropractic
to the world. How much the vitalist notions of the day influenced his thinking
is speculative. How much the culture of today influences our thinking on
holistic care is also speculative. Perhaps the ultimate question is "How
do we study holism as a science?"
Seutter, V. "Commentary: Holism, Alternative Medicine, and Why
Chiropractic Embraces It. Holism: Terminology and Culture: Defining
the Phenomenon" Chiropractic Resource Organization. 8 Oct 1997. ChiroZine
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