Author: Virgil Seutter
Date: October 8, 1997
Parent Node:
5.0 Holism and Complexity: Cybernetics and Systems Theory
5.1. While the mechanist has devoted his time to the intricacies of nature,
the holist has been searching for something more remote, something that ties
it all together as a unifying theory that explains why it might all work
as it does. Neither the mechanist, nor the holist, is certain about what
he may find in his search. Either way, they both rely on ideas and theories
to guide their search. Each has a unique idea or perspective that guides
his inquiry into his particular and peculiar interests.
5.2. Holism as an approachable science began somewhere with the introduction
of General Systems Theory
(von Bertalanffy,
1968). Systems theory was preeminently mathematical pursuing novel
inquiry into the problem of overspecialization. It focused on computer science,
cybernetics, automation and systems engineering. It approached systems as
part of the problem of system and "control;" that everything was interconnected
and organized in some way as a structured model of activity. It provided
the basis for the "scientific exploration of 'wholes' and 'wholeness'" of
things; something that transcended the metaphysical constructs in thinking
to become more tangible as a scientific inquiry; something that blended
philosophy and mathematics into less abstract, more concrete methods of viewing
evolving systems in a "real world" setting as a modeling of the real thing
5.3. The projection of a
cybernetic system demonstrated
itself as a simulation of events through mathematical and computational
applications. Its application became part of
theory as a statistical and mathematical inquiry into various phases
of the mechanistic systems that explored function through control and
communication principles. It was readily adaptable to system studies involving
biology, thermodynamics and life sciences to that of psychology, history,
cultural and sociological trends, business applications, and even the medical
paradigmatic inquiry (5.2).
5.4. The ability to view the holistic model in alternative medicine may require
a construct in thinking normally reserved to the more exotic sciences. The
emerging role of
complexity science
in the search for interrelationships between the parts and the wholes
subordinates the mechanistic inquiry to that of an informational inquiry.
It ventures into a paradigmatic shift from biomedicine to infomedicine.
Seutter, V. "Commentary: Holism, Alternative Medicine, and Why
Chiropractic Embraces It. Holism and Complexity: Cybernetics and Systems
Theory" Chiropractic Resource Organization. 8 Oct 1997. ChiroZine
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