Comparative Cost Analysis of Neck Pain Treatments
for Medicare Beneficiaries
Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2025 (Feb 14):S0003-9993(25)00497-6 ~ FULL TEXT
For older adults with new NP episodes, the initial SMT is associated with lower health care costs, particularly for Part A total and NP-related claims, with a less pronounced effect on Part B and D claims than PCP-related strategies. These results underscore the potential for health care cost savings based on the initial treatment approaches.
Integrating Chiropractic Care and Tai Chi Training
for the Treatment of Chronic Nonspecific Neck Pain
in Nurses: A Single-Arm Mixed-Methods Pilot Trial
J Integr Complement Med 2024 (Aug 22) [EPUB]
Observed reductions in neck pain and disability suggest the potential utility of combined multimodal chiropractic care (MCC) and Tai Chi (TC) interventions for managing chronic nonspecific neck pain (CNNP). Along with qualitative feedback regarding facilitators and barriers to participation, the findings support and inform a future randomized trial evaluating the combined benefits of MCC and TC for CNNP in nurses.
How Well Do Participants in Clinical Trials Represent
the U.S. Population with Chronic Neck or Back Pain?
BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2024 (May 27); 25 (1): 414 ~ FULL TEXT
Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) are the gold standard for assessing treatment effectiveness; however, they have been criticized for generalizability issues such as how well trial participants represent those who receive the treatments in clinical practice. We assessed the representativeness of participants from eight RCTs for chronic spine pain in the U.S., which were used for an individual participant data meta-analysis on the cost-effectiveness of spinal manipulation for spine pain. In these clinical trials, spinal manipulation was performed by chiropractors.
The Association Between Cervical Degenerative MRI Findings and Self-reported Neck Pain, Disability and Headache:
A Cross-sectional Exploratory Study
Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2023 (Oct 11); 31: 45 ~ FULL TEXT
Overall, very few studies have investigated the association between cervical degenerative MRI findings and clinical symptoms. A systematic review from 2019 [13] investigated the presence of cervical MRI findings in patients with NP compared to pain-free controls and found, based on two studies, no differences in terms of disc degeneration between people with chronic non-specific NP and pain-free controls. [10, 27] One of the studies [10] also examined disc contour changes and found that disc herniation (but not disc protrusion) was associated with NP, although this was based on only four subjects. In comparison, our results identified an OR for NP of 1.6 (95% CI 1.1–2.4) for participants with disc degeneration or disc contour changes compared to those without these findings. The discrepancy between our results and those of other studies is probably due to differences in the study population, sample size, imaging system and classification of MRI findings. One of the two studies in the review included only 31 people [10], so the results are therefore somewhat uncertain. In addition, the data in that study were collected in 1996 and MRI has undergone enormous technological development since, which also affects the direct comparability. The other study in the review, a study from Japan [27] included 975 participants from the general population with a mean age of 66 years and found that NP did not differ between people with or without disc degeneration. The study reported that the prevalence of cervical MRI findings increased with age, and in the age group < 50 years, the prevalence of disc degeneration was comparable to our findings. However, the study did not analyse the association between MRI findings and NP stratified by age group and it is therefore unclear if an association exists for the younger group.
Clinical Indicators for Recommending Continued Care
to Patients with Neck Pain in Chiropractic Practice:
A Cohort Study
Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2023 (Aug 31); 31: 33 ~ FULL TEXT
Receiving maintenance care (MC) (i.e. continued care as decided by the chiropractor) compared to receiving symptom-guided therapy (i.e. further care decided by the patient when they perceive a need) have been examined in patients with recurrent and persistent low back pain. [18] It was concluded that MC was more effective in reducing the total number of days with bothersome pain over a year’s time. [18] However, MC is currently being investigated and not included in clinical practice guidelines as a recommended evidence-based treatment strategy for prevention. Focus groups and surveys have systematically explored chiropractors’ indications for using MC in patients with low back pain. [13] According to these studies, MC is offered to patients who have experienced previous pain episodes, long pain duration, and have shown improvement after initial treatment. [19–21] These indicators for MC were confirmed in an observational study of patients with low back pain and previous pain episodes was found to be a strong predictor for recommending MC. [22] In addition, the recommendation of MC may also depend on the chiropractor and the clinical setting. Chiropractors who were trained in the US compared to Europe, as well as chiropractors with more experience and clinic ownership, tend to recommend MC more frequently and to a greater extent to their patients. [19]
Multivariable Prediction Models for the Recovery of
and Claim Closure Related to Post-collision Neck
Pain and Associated Disorders
Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2023 (Aug 25); 31: 32 ~ FULL TEXT
We developed clinical prediction models that predict recovery and claim closure in individuals with NAD following traffic collisions. Prognostic factors included expectation of recovery, age, having a prior neck injury claim, percentage of body in pain, baseline neck pain and headache intensity, and disability. In addition, depressive symptoms remained predictive in the model predicting claim closure. Our models have limited predictive ability and require an impact analysis before being used in clinical settings.
Longitudinal Care Patterns and Utilization Among Patients
with New-Onset Neck Pain by Initial Provider Specialty
Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2023 (Aug 1) [EPUB] ~ FULL TEXT
The cohort included 770,326 patients with new-onset neck pain visits. The most common initial provider specialty was chiropractor (45.2%), followed by primary care (33.4%). Initial provider specialty was strongly associated with the receipt of subsequent neck pain visits with the same provider specialty. Rates and types of diagnostic imaging and therapeutic interventions during follow-up also varied widely by initial provider specialty. While uncommon after initial visits with chiropractors (≤2%), CT or MRI scans occurred in over 30% of patients with initial visits with emergency physicians, orthopedists, or neurologists. Similarly, 6.8% and 3.4% of patients initially seen by orthopedists received therapeutic injection and major surgery, respectively, as compared to 0.4% and 0.1% of patients initially seen by a chiropractor. Within a large, national cohort, chiropractors were the initial provider for a plurality of patients with new-onset neck pain. Compared to patients initially seen by physician providers, patients with chiropractor initial providers received fewer and less costly imaging services and were less likely to receive invasive therapeutic interventions during follow-up.
Spinal Pain, Chronic Health Conditions and
Health Behaviors: Data from the 2016-2018
National Health Interview Survey
Int J Environ Res Public Health 2023 (Apr 3); 20 (7): 5369 ~ FULL TEXT
Spinal pain and chronic health conditions are highly prevalent, burdensome, and costly conditions, both in the United States and globally. All four chronic health conditions significantly increased the prevalence odds of spinal pain; cardiovascular conditions by 58%, hypertension by 40%, diabetes by 25% and obesity by 34%, controlling for all the confounders.
For all chronic health conditions, tobacco use (45–50%), being insufficiently active (17–20%), sleep problems (180–184%), cognitive impairment (90–100%), and mental health conditions (68–80%) significantly increased the prevalence odds of spinal pain compared to cases without spinal pain. These findings provide evidence to support research on the prevention and treatment of non-musculoskeletal conditions with approaches of spinal pain management.
Non-serious Adverse Events Do Not Influence Recovery
in Patients with Neck Pain Treated with
Manual Therapy; An Observational Study
Musculoskelet Sci Pract 2022 (Oct); 61: 102607 ~ FULL TEXT
We found that the occurrence of non-serious adverse events (NSAEs e.g. aggravation of complaints, stiffness, irradiating pain) did not influence recovery in patients with neck pain treated by physiotherapists with postgraduate qualifications in manual therapy (MT). Currently, there is no need for physiotherapists to consider NSAEs when making prognosis in these patients. But, keeping in mind the criticism on the one-in-ten rule, we cannot exclude the possibility that our study was underpowered.
The Association Between Different Outcome Measures
and Prognostic Factors in Patients with Neck Pain:
A Cohort Study
BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2022 (Jul 14); 23 (1): 673 ~ FULL TEXT
The highest correlation between outcome change scores was found between NDI and EQ-5D and lower association with pain. The prognostic model also showed best performance for NDI as outcome and the poorest for pain intensity. The predictive impact of the predictors was consistent across all outcomes. These results suggest that we need more knowledge on the reasons for the differences in predictive performance variation across outcomes.
Acute Inflammatory Response via Neutrophil Activation
Protects Against the Development of Chronic Pain
Science Translational Medicine 2022 (May 11); 14 (644): eabj9954
“This paper paints a very clear picture that early neutrophil activation is very important for preventing the sensitization of pain pathways. [The authors] lay out a beautiful roadmap to explore this. I would want to know how S100A8 and S100A9 are eventually acting on neurons to resolve pain, and how we could exploit neutrophils in other ways to decrease the excitability of neurons in pain pathways,” said Price.
Limited Prognostic Value of Pain Duration in Non-specific
Neck Pain Patients Seeking Chiropractic Care
European Journal of Pain 2022 (Apr 21) [EPUB]~ FULL TEXT
Significance statement:   The relatively large dataset of neck pain patients challenges the widely accepted wisdom that pain duration is an important predictor of pain outcomes and that very chronic patients might only have a small likelihood of getting better. It is postulated that these results are important for the attitude of the first encounter between healthcare professionals and chronic patients.
Chiropractic Care of a Female Veteran After
Cervical Total Disk Replacement:
A Case Report
J Chiropractic Medicine 2022 (Mar); 21 (1): 60–65 ~ FULL TEXT
This is the first instance, to our knowledge, of a published case of chiropractic manipulation after CTDR. Before this case report, there was no available literature to guide chiropractic care after CTDR. This will hopefully serve as a call for future research to guide clinicians in the management of patients after CTDR. Evidence-based guidelines for chiropractic care after CTDR would be of value for chiropractors and other health care practitioners in guiding optimal patient care. This case report will hopefully stimulate discussion and future efforts to create a guideline for postsurgical chiropractic care in CTDR.
The optimal treatment dosage for chiropractic treatment depends on the severity, chronicity, and demographic characteristics of the patient. [13] Whalen et al published a chiropractic best practice recommending treatment of acute neck pain 3 times per week for 4 weeks, and chronic neck pain 2 times per month for several months; additionally, chronic neck pain with radiculopathy may take several months to treat, with an initial trial of care consisting of treatments 3 times per week for 4 weeks and then tapering in frequency as the patient improves. [13] In attempting to be consistent with guidelines recommended by the VA Chiropractic Field Advisory Committee, the initial trial of care consisted of 6 visits, which was stretched over 3 weeks. [18] After the initial 6–visit trial, care was continued twice a week for several weeks before treatment frequency was tapered as the patient improved.
Neck Pain: Global Epidemiology, Trends and Risk Factors
BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2022 (Jan 3); 23 (1): 26 ~ FULL TEXT
Neck pain has a high prevalence around the world, although its burden has not changed substantially over the period 1990–2019. Recent literature has shown that psychological factors (e.g., stress, some cognitive factors, and sleep problems) and individual/biological factors (e.g., preexisting neuromuscular or autoimmune disorders, aging, and genetic) both contribute to the development of neck pain (Figure 6). The relationship between personality types and gender on the risk of neck pain is not yet clear, so further research is needed to investigate the association that neck pain has with gender, personality, and several other psychological factors.
Clinical Effectiveness and Efficacy of Chiropractic
Spinal Manipulation for Spine Pain
Frontiers in Pain Ressearch 2021 (Oct 25); 2: 765921 ~ FULL TEXT
For the management of LBP, most guidelines recommend SMT, with some discrepancies regarding the circumstances in which it should be administered. [19, 125] For example, the United Kingdom's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines make it imperative that SMT be offered alongside exercise therapy for LBP irrespective of the stage. [113] In contrast, the American College of Physicians' guidelines endorse SMT as a frontline non-invasive intervention, partly because patients with acute LBP improve over time regardless of treatment. [17] Specifically, for acute stages with or without radiculopathy, clinical practice guidelines recommend the addition of SMT to education, advice to remain active, and self-management. [112, 114, 116] For chronic LBP, the guidelines tend to recommend the use of SMT either alone or preferably in combination with other approaches (frequently second to advice, education, and reassurance) for patients with or without leg pain. [114, 115] Recently, a decision aid developed for managing chronic back pain by Canadian colleges of family physicians endorsed exercise and SMT as the only interventions for which benefits likely exceed harms. [15] For low- and middle-income countries, the Global Spine Care Initiative produced guidelines taking into consideration practical aspects such as cost. [18] Their recommendations are to consider the use of manual therapy (SMT and mobilizations) as one of the primary treatment options in patients with both acute and chronic spine pain and SMT specifically for radicular pain. [18]
Spinal Manipulative Therapy for Acute Neck Pain:
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of
Randomised Controlled Trials
J Clinical Medicine 2021 (Oct 28); 10 (21): 5011~ FULL TEXT
To our knowledge, this is the first systematic review on the effectiveness of SMT treating acute neck pain. The main conclusion is that SMT alone or in combination with another modality is likely to be effective in the treatment of acute neck pain, and the RCTs reported few, mild and transient AEs. The methodological quality of manual therapy RCTs is frequently being criticised for being too low. [36] However, manual therapy studies cannot reach what is considered the gold standard in pharmacological RCTs, because the manual therapist cannot be blinded.
Risk of Treatment Escalation in Recipients vs Nonrecipients
of Spinal Manipulation for Musculoskeletal Cervical
Spine Disorders: An Analysis of Insurance Claims
J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2021 (Jun); 44 (5): 372–377
Among episodes of care for a cohort of individuals diagnosed with neck pain, nonrecipients of spinal manipulation
had more than twice the risk of any treatment escalation
compared to recipients of spinal manipulation. In the
United States, over 90% of spinal manipulation is provided
by doctors of chiropractic; therefore, these findings are relevant and should be considered in addressing solutions for
neck pain. Additional research investigating the factors
influencing treatment escalation is necessary to guide decreasing the use of high-cost and guideline-incongruent
procedures in people with neck pain.
Sensory, Motor, and Psychosocial Characteristics of
Individuals with Chronic Neck Pain:
A Case–Control Study
Physical Therapy 2021 (Mar 26); pzab104~ FULL TEXT
Local hyperalgesia, impaired conditioning pain modulation, depressive symptoms, pain catastrophizing, poor quality of life and reduced active ROM for neck rotation were observed in individuals with nonspecific chronic neck pain. Additionally, there is a significant correlation between intensity pain, neck disability and psychosocial factors. As such, pain management, neck mobility and psychosocial components should be assessed and taken into account in the therapeutic approach adopted for this population.
Visual Trajectory Pattern as Prognostic Factors for Neck Pain
European J Pain 2020 (Oct); 24 (9): 1752–1764 ~ FULL TEXT
The study indicates that pain expectations are formed by pain history. The patients' expectations were similar to or more optimistic compared with their pain history. The prognostic ability of the model including a simplified combination of previous and expected patterns, together with a few other predictors, suggests that the trajectory patterns might have potential for clinical use. The dynamic nature of neck pain can be captured by visual illustrations of trajectory patterns. We report, that trajectory patterns of pain history and future expectations to some extent are related. The patterns also reflect a difference in severity assessed by higher degree of symptoms and distress. Moreover, the visual trajectory patterns predict outcome at 12-weeks. Since the patterns are easily applicable, they might have potential as a clinical tool.
Best Practices for Chiropractic Management of Patients
with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain:
A Clinical Practice Guideline
J Altern Complement Med 2020 (Oct); 26 (10): 884–901 ~ FULL TEXT
The Delphi process was conducted January-February 2020. The 62-member Delphi panel reached consensus on chiropractic management of five common chronic MSK pain conditions: low-back pain (LBP), neck pain, tension headache, osteoarthritis (knee and hip), and fibromyalgia. Recommendations were made for nonpharmacological treatments, including acupuncture, spinal manipulation/mobilization, and other manual therapy; modalities such as low-level laser and interferential current; exercise, including yoga; mind-body interventions, including mindfulness meditation and cognitive behavior therapy; and lifestyle modifications such as diet and tobacco cessation. Recommendations covered many aspects of the clinical encounter, from informed consent through diagnosis, assessment, treatment planning and implementation, and concurrent management and referral. Appropriate referral and comanagement were emphasized.
Implementation of the Primary Spine Care Model in
a Multi-Clinician Primary Care Setting:
An Observational Cohort Study
J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2020 (Sep); 43 (7): 667–674 ~ FULL TEXT
Among patients with spine-related disorders (SRDs) included in this study, implementation of the primary spine care (PSC) model within a conventional primary care setting was associated with a trend toward reduced total expenditures for spine care compared with usual primary care. Implementation of PSC may lead to reduced costs and resource utilization, but may be no more effective than usual care regarding clinical outcomes.
Association of Initial Provider Type on Opioid Fills
for Individuals With Neck Pain
Archives of Phys Med and Rehabilitation 2020 (Aug); 101 (8): 1407–1413 ~ FULL TEXT
Compared to patients with neck pain who saw a primary health care provider, patients with neck pain who initially saw a conservative therapist were 72%–91% less likely to fill an opioid prescription in the first 30 days, and between 41%–87% less likely to continue filling prescriptions for 1 year. People with neck pain who initially saw emergency medicine physicians had the highest odds of opioid use during the first 30 days (OR, 3.58; 95% CI, 3.47–3.69; P<.001).
Experiences With Chiropractic Care for Patients
with Low Back or Neck Pain
J Patient Exp 2020 (Jun); 7 (3): 357–364 ~ FULL TEXT
We found similar reports of communication for the chiropractic sample and patients in the 2016 CAHPS National Database, but 85% in the database versus 79% in the chiropractic sample gave the most positive response to the time spent with provider item. More patients in the CAHPS database rated their provider at the top of the scale (8 percentage points). More chiropractic patients reported always getting answers to questions the same day (16 percentage points) and always being seen within 15 minutes of their appointment time (29 percentage points). The positive experiences of patients with chronic back and neck pain are supportive of their use of chiropractic care.
Predictors of Visit Frequency for Patients Using Ongoing
Chiropractic Care for Chronic Back and Chronic Neck Pain;
Analysis of Observational Data
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2020 (May 13); 21 (1): 298 ~ FULL TEXT
According to NIH Medline Plus, a publication of the National Institutes of Health, “chronic pain usually cannot be cured, but it can be managed.” [99] Several provider-based nonpharmacologic therapies have been recommended for chronic spinal pain, and these therapies may be used on an long-term ongoing basis by patients for pain management. Despite this need, ongoing provider-based care is not well-addressed in the evidence or supported in health and payer policies, [25–27] and this adds another barrier to the use of these recommended nonpharmacologic therapies [37]. This study examined data from a large sample of patients with CLBP and/or CNP to see how these real-world patients used chiropractic care over time to manage their pain. Our sample patients’ high pain management self-efficacy and long-term experience living with their conditions make them good source for information on how ongoing provider-based care for pain management might work. Chiropractic patients with CLBP and CNP manage their pain using a range of visit frequencies and the predictors of these frequencies could be useful for developing policies for ongoing provider-based care.
Exposure to a Motor Vehicle Collision and the Risk of
Future Neck Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Accident; Analysis and Prevention 2020 (May 18); 142: 105546 ~ FULL TEXT
Eight articles were identified of which seven were of lower risk of bias. Six studies reported a positive association between a neck injury in an MVC and future NP compared to those without a neck injury in a MVC. Pooled analysis of the six studies indicated an unadjusted relative risk of future NP in the MVC exposed population with neck injury of 2.3 (95% CI [1.8, 3.1]), which equates to a 57% attributable risk under the exposed. In two studies where exposed subjects were either not injured or injury status was unknown, there was no increased risk of future NP. There was a consistent positive association among studies that have examined the association between MVC-related neck injury and future NP. These findings are of potential interest to clinicians, insurers, patients, governmental agencies, and the courts.
Clinical Scenarios for Which Cervical Mobilization and
Manipulation Are Considered by an Expert Panel to Be
Appropriate (and Inappropriate) for Patients
with Chronic Neck Pain
Clin J Pain 2020 (Apr); 36 (4): 273–280 ~ FULL TEXT
Three hundred seventy-two clinical scenarios were defined and rated by an 11-member expert panel as to the appropriateness of cervical mobilization and manipulation. Across clinical scenarios more were rated inappropriate than appropriate for both therapies, and more scenarios were rated inappropriate for manipulation than mobilization. However, the number of patients presenting with each scenario is not yet known. Nevertheless, DTA indicates that all clinical scenarios that included red flags (eg, fever, cancer, inflammatory arthritides, or vasculitides), and some others involving major neurological findings, especially if previous manual therapy was unfavorable, were rated as inappropriate for both cervical mobilization and manipulation. DTA also identified the absence of cervical disk herniation, stenosis, or foraminal osteophytosis on additional testing as the most important patient characteristic in predicting ratings of appropriate.
The Course and Factors Associated with Recovery
of Whiplash-associated Disorders: An Updated
Systematic Review by the Ontario Protocol for
Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration
European J Physiotherapy 2020 (Mar 25); 23 (5): 1–16 ~ FULL TEXT
The current best evidence synthesis updates findings published by the Bone and Joint Decade 2000-2010 Task Force on Neck Pain and Its Associated Disorders with respect to prognostic factors in WAD. This update provides a substantial body of evidence supporting the important prognostic role of post-collision psychological factors in WAD recovery.
Best-Practice Recommendations for Chiropractic
Management of Patients With Neck Pain
J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2019 (Nov); 42 (9): 635–650 ~ FULL TEXT
A set of best-practice recommendations for chiropractic management of patients with neck pain based on the best available evidence reached a high level of consensus by a large group of experienced chiropractors. The recommendations indicate that manipulation and mobilization as part of a multimodal approach are front-line approaches to patients with uncomplicated neck pain.
Prevalence and Characteristics of Chronic Spinal Pain
Patients with Different Hopes (Treatment Goals)
for Ongoing Chiropractic Care
J Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2019 (Oct 1); 25 (10): 1015–1025 ~ FULL TEXT
Although much of health policy is based on a curative model, less than a third of a large sample of patients with CLBP and CNP under ongoing chiropractic care have a stated hope or goal of cure—their pain going away permanently. Instead, most patients have goals related to the ongoing successful management of their chronic spinal pain. How can this goal of provider-based pain management be viably supported and sustained? Policy makers need more information about how patients are using ongoing providerbased care to develop policies regarding this care. This study provides some of this information.
Electronic Measures of Movement Impairment, Repositioning,
and Posture in People with and without Neck Pain
- A Systematic Review
Systematic Reviews 2019 (Aug 27); 8 (1): 220 ~ FULL TEXT
People with varying types of neck pain have reduced active range of motion, reduced movement speed, and impaired head repositioning accuracy when compared with people without neck pain. Due to poor and inconsistent reporting regarding test methods, test subjects, blinding of examiners, and examiner background and training, these results should be interpreted with caution. Longitudinal studies are necessary to investigate the underlying factors for movement impairments and their potential to guide clinical interventions.
Trajectories of Pain Intensity Over 1 Year in Adults
With Disabling Subacute or Chronic Neck Pain
Clinical J Pain 2019 (Aug); 35 (8): 678–685 ~ FULL TEXT
Most individuals with disabling subacute or chronic neck pain show improvement in pain intensity over 1 year. However, a quarter present unfavorable trajectories, following either a fluctuating or a persistent pattern of pain over time despite undergoing a cycle of therapies for pain control. High pain intensity at baseline, depressive symptoms, younger age, female sex, and sudden onset of pain are factors associated with unfavorable trajectories of neck pain in this study.
Conservative Spine Care Pathway Implementation Is
Associated with Reduced Health Care Expenditures
in a Controlled, Before-After Observational Study
J General Internal Medicine 2019 (Aug); 34 (8): 1381-1382 ~ FULL TEXT
In this retrospective, controlled, before-after study, we found that implementation of a conservative spine pain treatment pathway was associated with significant reductions in per-member-per-month (PMPM) healthcare expenditures for spine pain care; most cost savings were attributable to reduction in spine surgery costs. Our Poisson model found relatively reduced opioid utilization and relatively increased manual care costs, both anticipated by-products of guideline implementation. [4] While our findings are preliminary, in an era of increasing healthcare costs and use of complex and expensive spine surgery techniques they show promise for meaningful care cost reduction and value enhancement when providers conservatively manage spine pain. Importantly, our analysis underscores the value of using control groups, formal analytics, and academic partnerships to understand the impact of quality improvement and clinical effectiveness projects, measures that have been recommended to improve the robustness of quality improvement efforts. [5]
Group and Individual-level Change on Health-related Quality
of Life in Chiropractic Patients with Chronic
Low Back or Neck Pain
Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2019 (May 1); 44 (9): 647–651 ~ FULL TEXT
The results of this study contribute to the literature by providing evidence that chiropractic care is associated with improvements in functioning and well-being among individuals with chronic low back or neck pain. The study findings provide empirical verification of why some chronic pain patients utilize chiropractic care on a regular basis. It supports the use of chiropractic care as one option for improving functioning and well-being of patients with chronic low back pain or neck pain. While we are unable to infer the underlying mechanism for the observed improvements in patients, spinal manipulation is designed to relieve pain and improve physical functioning. Studies of the biomechanics indicate that spinal manipulation produces reflex responses and movements of vertebral bodies in the paraphysiologic zone. [27]
Manipulation and Mobilization for Treating Chronic Nonspecific
Neck Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
for an Appropriateness Panel
Pain Physician. 2019 (Mar); 22 (2): E55–E70 ~ FULL TEXT
Studies published since January 2000 provide low-moderate quality evidence that various types of manipulation and/or mobilization will reduce pain and improve function for chronic nonspecific neck pain compared to other interventions. It appears that multimodal approaches, in which multiple treatment approaches are integrated, might have the greatest potential impact. The studies comparing to no treatment or sham were mostly testing the effect of a single dose, which may or may not be helpful to inform practice. According to the published trials reviewed, manipulation and mobilization appear safe. However, given the low rate of serious adverse events, other types of studies with much larger sample sizes would be required to fully describe the safety of manipulation and/or mobilization for nonspecific chronic neck pain.
Cost-effectiveness of Spinal Manipulation, Exercise, and
Self-management for Spinal Pain Using an Individual
Participant Data Meta-analysis Approach:
A Study Protocol
Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2018 (Nov 13); 26: 46 ~ FULL TEXT
Combined analyses of economic data are rarely possible due to differences in resource utilization outcomes, costs and healthcare settings. [56, 57] Additionally, individual clinical trials rarely include a sufficient number of participants to detect important differences in economic outcomes. This project represents a unique opportunity to potentially combine clinical and economic data collected in eight randomized clinical trials using an IPDMA approach. This will provide more precise estimates of the cost-effectiveness of spinal manipulation, exercise therapy, and self-management compared to analysis of the individual trials. Further, an IPDMA approach has many advantages over traditional meta-analysis including the ability to conduct standardized within-study analyses, account for missing data at the individual level, and investigate potential sub-group effects at the participant level which may account for heterogeneity in estimates across studies. [52]
Physical Risk Factors for Adolescent Neck and
Mid Back Pain: A Systematic Review
Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2018 (Sep 24); 26: 36 ~ FULL TEXT
This systematic review could not identify distinct risk factors for adolescent NP and MBP. It could however show a strong need for prospective studies in this field using a consistent definition of NP and MBP, preferably using an illustration. The Young Spine Questionnaire (YSQ) [42] fulfills this requirement and its use is strongly encouraged, although further validation and cross-cultural adaptation is needed. [1] Furthermore, the inconsistency in reporting comparable outcomes should be reduced. This could possibly be achieved through an interdisciplinary consensus conference between stakeholders regarding this research topic and by further investigating the interplay between thoracic and cervical spine. Based on this review, sagittal alignment in sitting and standing should be further investigated as possible risk factors for adolescent NP and MBP using a consistent terminology for the outcomes and longitudinal research designs.
Characteristics of Chiropractic Patients Being Treated
for Chronic Low Back and Neck Pain
J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2018 (Sep); 27 (Suppl 6): 901–914 ~ FULL TEXT
This study provides insight into the characteristics of patients who are successfully managing their chronic low back pain (CLBP) and chronic neck pain (CNP). Findings of this descriptive study of a large sample of chiropractic patients with CLBP or CNP reveal this sample to be similar to those found in other studies of chiropractic patients: highly-educated, non-Hispanic, white women, with at least partial insurance coverage for chiropractic. These individuals have also been in pain and using chiropractic care for years. Most came to chiropractic after trying other types of care, and just under a third continued to receive other concurrent care for their pain. Prior to chiropractic, they saw the best results with massage therapy and acupuncture and reported high levels of belief in the success of chiropractic in reducing their pain.
Changes in Female Veterans' Neck Pain Following
Chiropractic Care at a Hospital for Veterans
Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2018 (Feb); 30: 91–95 ~ FULL TEXT
Female veterans with neck pain included in this study experienced statistically and clinically significant reductions in numeric rating scale (NRS) and Neck Bournemouth Questionnaire (NBQ) scores over a short course of chiropractic management with a mean of 8.8 treatments. Chiropractic management may be an effective treatment strategy for female veterans with neck pain complaints. Further research is warranted given the lack of published evidence.
Long-term Trajectories of Patients with Neck Pain
and Low Back Pain Presenting to Chiropractic Care:
A Latent Class Growth Analysis
European J Pain 2018 (Jan); 22 (1): 103–113 ~ FULL TEXT
Most patients with NP or LBP presenting in chiropractic care show a trajectory of symptoms characterized by persistent or fluctuating pain of low or medium intensity. Only a minority either experience a rapid complete recovery or develop chronic severe pain. The two most common classes ‘recovering from mild baseline pain’ and ‘recovering from high baseline pain’ were consistent for both NP and LBP and accounted for 90% of the patients. The other two classes were less frequent and differed between NP and LBP patients. The four different classes showed distinct baseline patient characteristics and outcome in pain and functional status at 6 and 12 months
The Efficacy of Manual Therapy and Exercise
for Treating Non-specific Neck Pain:
A Systematic Review
J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil 2017 (Nov 6); 30 (6): 1149-1169 ~ FULL TEXT
This systematic review updates the evidence for manual therapy (MT) combined or not with exercise and/or usual medical care for different stages of neck pain (NP) and provides recommendations for future studies. Two majors points could be highlighted, the first one is that combining different forms of MT with exercise is better than MT or exercise alone, and the second one is that mobilization need not be applied at the symptomatic level(s) for improvements of NP patients. These both points may have clinical implications for reducing the risk involved with some MT techniques applied to the cervical spine.
Influence of Initial Provider on Health Care Utilization
in Patients Seeking Care for Neck Pain
Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2017 (Oct 19); 1 (3): 226–233 ~ FULL TEXT
These findings support that initiating care with a nonpharmacological provider for a new episode of neck pain may present an opportunity to decrease opioid exposure (DC and PT) and advanced imaging and injections (DC only). Although these findings need confirmation in a better controlled study, our results suggest that adopting such a strategy aligns well with recent CDC and ACP recommendations and has the potential to decrease the management burden of neck pain by PCPs. Future research is needed to examine the association of patient-centered outcomes and health care utilization and to explore whether seeking care from a nonpharmacological provider is also associated with cost savings in addition to decreased health care utilization.
Exploring the Definition of Acute Neck Pain: A Prospective
Cohort Observational Study Comparing the Outcomes of
Chiropractic Patients with 0-2 Weeks, 2-4 Weeks and
4-12 Weeks of Symptoms
Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2017 (Aug 16); 25: 24 ~ FULL TEXT
The time period with 0–4 weeks of symptoms as the definition of “acute” neck pain should be maintained. Patients with a shorter period (0–2 weeks) of symptoms recover faster than patients with a longer period of symptoms (2–4 weeks) but this difference is only statistically significant at the 1 week and 1 month time periods. These results for neck pain patients are different from those obtained in the similar study investigating acute low back pain patients where the 0–2 weeks time period as the definition of ‘acute’ was recommended. Medium-term and long-term outcome is favourable for acute as well as subacute neck pain patients, independent of the exact duration of symptoms.
A NAME="Factors_in_Patient_Responsiveness">
Factors in Patient Responsiveness to Directional
Preference-Matched Treatment of Neck Pain With
or Without Upper Extremity Radiation
J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2017 (Apr 25); 4 (2): 60–68 ~ FULL TEXT
Patient compliance with directional preference exercise is associated with patient responsiveness to directional preference therapy in conservative care treatments of neck pain. Patients 55 years of age or older, those with acute/subacute chronicity and those who report symptom improvement following the first treatment session showed significant improvement. Implementation of these findings could improve care of patients with neck pain, with or without upper extremity radiation, at a local level.
Chronic Neck Pain Patients With Traumatic or
Non-traumatic Onset: Differences in
Characteristics. A Cross-sectional Study
Scand J Pain. 2017 (Jan); 14: 1-8 ~ FULL TEXT
This study showed significant differences between chronic neck pain patients when differentiated into groups based on their onset of pain. However, no specific clinical test or self-reported characteristic could differentiate between the groups at an individual patient level. Pressure pain threshold tests, cervical muscle performance tests and patient-reported characteristics about self-perceived function and psychological factors may assist in profiling chronic neck pain patients. The need for more intensive management of those with a traumatic onset compared with those with a non-traumatic onset should be examined further.
Does Structured Patient Education Improve the Recovery
and Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Neck Pain?
A Systematic Review from the Ontario Protocol for
Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration
Spine J. 2016 (Dec); 16 (12): 1524–1540
Results suggest that structured patient education alone cannot be expected to yield large benefits in clinical effectiveness compared with other conservative interventions (including spinal manipulation, massage, supervised exercise, and physiotherapy) for patients with WAD or NAD. Moreover, structured patient education may be of benefit during the recovery of patients with WAD when used as an adjunct therapy to physiotherapy or emergency room care. These benefits are small and short lived.
Are Manual Therapies, Passive Physical Modalities,
or Acupuncture Effective for the Management of
Patients with Whiplash-associated Disorders
or Neck Pain and Associated Disorders? An
Update of the Bone and Joint Decade Task
Force on Neck Pain and Its Associated
Disorders by the OPTIMa Collaboration
Spine J. 2016 (Dec); 16 (12): 1598-1630 ~ FULL TEXT
Our review adds new evidence to the Neck Pain Task Force and suggests that mobilization, manipulation, and clinical massage are effective interventions for the management of neck pain. It also suggests that electroacupuncture, strain-counterstrain, relaxation massage, and some passive physical modalities (heat, cold, diathermy, hydrotherapy, and ultrasound) are not effective and should not be used to manage neck pain.
Cost-effectiveness of Spinal Manipulative Therapy,
Supervised Exercise, and Home Exercise for
Older Adults with Chronic Neck Pain
Spine J. 2016 (Nov); 16 (11): 1292–1304
Total costs for spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) + home exercise and advice (HEA) were 5% lower than HEA (mean difference: –$111; 95% confidence interval [CI] –$1,354 to $899) and 47% lower than supervised rehabilitative exercise (SRE) + HEA (mean difference: –$1,932; 95% CI –$2,796 to –$1,097). SMT+HEA also resulted in a greater reduction of neck pain over the year relative to HEA (0.57; 95% CI 0.23 to 0.92) and SRE+HEA (0.41; 95% CI 0.05 to 0.76). Differences in disability and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) favored SMT+HEA.
Are People With Whiplash Associated Neck Pain Different
to People With Non-Specific Neck Pain?
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2016 (Oct); 46 (10): 894–901
2,578 participants were included in the study. Of these 488 (19%) were classified as having WAD. At presentation patients with WAD were statistically different to patients without WAD for almost all characteristics investigated. While most differences were small (1.1 points on an 11-point pain rating scale and 11 percentage points on the Neck Disability Index) others including the presence of dizziness and memory difficulties were substantial. The between group differences in pain and disability increased significantly (P<.001) over 12 months. At 12–month follow-up the patients with WAD on average had approximately 2 points more pain and 16 percentage points more disability than those with non-specific neck pain.
The Treatment of Neck Pain-Associated Disorders and
Whiplash-Associated Disorders:
A Clinical Practice Guideline
J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2016 (Oct); 39 (8): 523–564 ~ FULL TEXT
The objective was to develop a clinical practice guideline on the management of neck pain-associated disorders (NADs) and whiplash-associated disorders (WADs).
This guideline replaces 2 prior chiropractic guidelines on NADs and WADs.
Neck Pain In Children:
A Retrospective Case Series
J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2016 (Sep); 60 (3): 212–219 ~ FULL TEXT
In our study, 50 pediatric patients between 6 and 18 years (average 13 years) were found to have evidence of mechanical neck pain. Treatment was provided on average of 5 visits over an average of 19 days. These patients were successfully managed primarily using SMT. There were no worsening of symptoms nor adverse events recorded. This exploratory study provides data to help inform the role, indication and dose of manual therapy in the management of pediatric mechanical neck pain. It highlights a treatment option with minimal risk and reported successful pain management for a commonly experienced MSK condition by many pediatric patients. The results can be used in designing more robust explanatory studies.
Management of Neck Pain and Associated Disorders:
A Clinical Practice Guideline from the Ontario
Protocol for Traffic Injury Management
(OPTIMa) Collaboration
European Spine Journal 2016 (Jul); 25 (7): 2000–2022 ~ FULL TEXT
This guideline is based on recent systematic reviews of high-quality studies. A multidisciplinary expert panel considered the evidence of effectiveness, safety, cost-effectiveness, societal and ethical values, and patient experiences (obtained from qualitative research) when formulating recommendations. Target audience includes clinicians; target population is adults with grades I-III NAD <6 months duration.
Manual and Instrument Applied Cervical Manipulation for
Mechanical Neck Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial
J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2016 (Jun); 35 (5): 319–329 ~ FULL TEXT
This study demonstrates that a single cervical manipulation is capable of producing immediate and short-term benefits for mechanical neck pain (MNP). The study also demonstrates that not all manipulative techniques have the same effect and that the differences may be mediated by neurological or biomechanical factors inherent to each technique.
There are more articles like this at our: Instrument Adjusting Page
Variations in Patterns of Utilization and Charges for
the Care of Neck Pain in North Carolina, 2000 to
2009: A Statewide Claims' Data Analysis
J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2016 (May); 39 (4): 240–251 ~ FULL TEXT
Increases in utilization and charges were the highest among patterns involving MDs, PTs and referral providers. These findings are consistent with previous studies showing that medical specialty, diagnostic imaging, and invasive procedures (eg, spine injections, surgery) [17, 19, 20, 21] are significant drivers of increasing spine care costs. When costs are viewed vertically as if in “silos” (eg, DC-only costs, MD-only costs), increasing utilization of one particular provider is seen as a net cost increase. However, when costs are viewed across the silos, as this study has done, an increase in utilization of one provider group can result in a net cost decrease given its effect on the patient population. This is an opportunity to view costs laterally versus a confined, vertical analysis.
This is one of 3 of the
Cost-Effectiveness Triumvirate articles.
Symptomatic, Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Confirmed
Cervical Disk Herniation Patients: A Comparative-
Effectiveness Prospective Observational Study of
2 Age- and Sex-Matched Cohorts Treated With
Either Imaging-Guided Indirect Cervical Nerve
Root Injections or Spinal Manipulative Therapy
J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2016 (Mar); 39 (3): 210–217 ~ FULL TEXT
"Improvement" was reported in 86.5% of SMT patients and 49.0% of CNRI patients (P = .0001). Significantly more CNRI patients were in the subacute/chronic category (77%) compared with SMT patients (46%). A significant difference between the proportion of subacute/chronic CNRI patients (37.5%) and SMT patients (78.3%) reporting "improvement" was noted (P = .002).
Importance of Psychological Factors for the Recovery
From a First Episode of Acute Non-specific Neck Pain
- A Longitudinal Observational Study
Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2016 (Mar 16); 24: 9 ~ FULL TEXT
Previous bio-psycho-social studies have posited that anxiety, depression and catastrophizing are associated with chronicity. However, whether they are merely “associated with” versus “contribute towards” is really still up in the air (JMHO). To test whether these emotional elements are a natural side-effect of chronic pain as opposed to being causal, these researchers worked with 850 patients with acute non-specific neck pain with no history of previous neck or arm pain.
Does Cervical Spine Manipulation Reduce Pain in People
with Degenerative Cervical Radiculopathy? A Systematic
Review of the Evidence, and a Meta-analysis
Clinical Rehabilitation 2016 (Feb); 30 (2): 145–155 ~ FULL TEXT
Three trials with 502 participants were included. Meta-analysis suggested that cervical spine manipulation (mean difference 1.28, 95% confidence interval 0.80 to 1.75; P < 0.00001; heterogeneity: Chi2 = 8.57, P = 0.01, I2 = 77%) improving visual analogue scale for pain showed superior immediate effects compared with cervical computer traction. The overall strength of evidence was judged to be moderate quality.
Clinical Outcomes in a Large Cohort of Musculoskeletal Patients
Undergoing Chiropractic Care in the United Kingdom: A Comparison
of Self- and National Health Service-Referred Routes
J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2016 (Jan); 39 (1): 54–62 ~ FULL TEXT
This study characterized a large number of private and NHS-referred patients as cared for by chiropractors and provides a unique and robust description of characteristics and outcomes in this patient group for the UK. Those presenting for chiropractic care either privately or by their NHS GP experienced excellent results across a range of patient-reported outcome and experience measures. This remained true regardless of the STarT back category where substantive improvements in outcomes were seen in all 3 risk groups regardless of referral status.
The Anatomy and Morphometry of
Cervical Zygapophyseal Joint Meniscoids
Surg Radiol Anat. 2015 (Sep); 37 (7): 799–807 ~ FULL TEXT
Meniscoids were identified in 86% of zygapophyseal joints examined; 50% contained both ventral and dorsal meniscoids, 7% contained a ventral meniscoid only and 29% contained a dorsal meniscoid only. Meniscoids were classified as adipose (4%), fibrous (74%), or fibroadipose (22%) based upon histological composition. There were no significant associations between meniscoid size (surface area or protrusion length) and gender, position in joint, spinal level, or articular degeneration. Increased articular degeneration was associated with fibrous meniscoid classification.
Prognostic Factors for Recurrences in Neck Pain
Patients Up to 1 Year After Chiropractic Care
J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2015 (Sep); 38 (7): 458–464 ~ FULL TEXT The results of this study suggest that recurrence of neck pain within 1 year after chiropractic intervention in Swiss chiropractic patients presenting from varied onsets is low. This study found preliminary findings that older age and a previous episode of neck may be useful predictors of neck pain recurrence within 1 year.
Regional Supply of Chiropractic Care and Visits to
Primary Care Physicians for Back and Neck Pain
J American Board of Family Medicine 2015 (Jul); 28 (4): 481–490 ~ FULL TEXT
Despite the inherent limitations of our study, our findings offer important insights into the indirect effects of Medicare’s chiropractic care benefit on PCP services. Our finding that chiropractic care is associated with fewer visits to PCPs for back and/or neck pain is important for health policymakers to consider. Driven by both increased spending [11, 12] and a series of reports by the Office of the Inspector General, [11–14] Medicare’s chiropractic care benefit is currently being examined. In addition to providing important information regarding the impact of coverage of chiropractic care, our study also underscores the importance of evaluating the indirect effects of ambulatory health services. When extrapolated to the nation (based on our predictions from our adjusted model), we estimate that chiropractic care is associated with a reduction of 0.37 million visits to PCPs for back and/or neck pain at a total cost of $83.5 million (Table 3).
The Rapid and Progressive Degeneration of the Cervical Multifidus in Whiplash: An MRI Study of Fatty Infiltration
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2015 (Jun 15); 40 (12): E694–700 ~ FULL TEXT
Thirty-six subjects with whiplash injury were enrolled at less than 1 week postinjury and classified at 3 months using percentage scores on the Neck Disability Index as recovered/mild (0%–28%) or severe (≥30%). A fat/water magnetic resonance imaging measure, patient self-report of pain-related disability, and post-traumatic stress disorder were collected at less than 1 week, 2 weeks, and 3 months postinjury. The effects of time and group (per Neck Disability Index) and the interaction of time by group on MFI were determined. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was used to determine a cut-point for MFI at 2 weeks to predict outcome at 3 months.
Is Neck Pain Associated with Worse Health-related Quality
of Life 6 Months Later? A Population-based Cohort
Spine J. 2015 (Apr 1); 15 (4): 675–684 ~ FULL TEXT
Our results indicate that neck pain can affect the future physical health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of individuals. This impact was worse in individuals with worsening or persistent neck pain. These results emphasize the importance for health-care providers and policy makers to manage neck pain with early effective interventions to minimize the long-term impact on physical HRQoL. Future research needs to examine the course of neck pain on HRQoL while controlling for the confounding effects of socioeconomic, lifestyle, and comorbidities. Further research is also needed to examine the mediating and confounding effects of depression on the association between neck pain and mental HRQoL.
Is There a Role for Neck Manipulation in Elderly
Falls Prevention? An Overview
J Canadian Chiro Assoc 2015 (Mar); 59 (1): 53–63 ~ FULL TEXT
We conclude that chiropractors may have a role in falls prevention strategies in the subpopulation of the elderly that suffer from mechanical neck pain or dysfunction and non-specific dizziness. However, this role remains to be rigorously studied and properly defined.
Cut-off Points for Mild, Moderate, and Severe Pain
on the Visual Analogue Scale for Pain in Patients
with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain
Pain 2014 (Dec); 155 (12): 2545–2550 ~ FULL TEXT
The aim of this study was to find the cut-off points on the visual analogue scale (VAS) to distinguish among mild, moderate, and severe pain, in relation to the following: pain-related interference with functioning; verbal description of the VAS scores; and latent class analysis for patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain. A total of 456 patients were included. Pain was assessed using the VAS and verbal rating scale; functioning was assessed using the domains of the Short Form (36) Health Survey (SF-36). Eight cut-off point schemes were tested using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), ordinal logistic regression, and latent class analysis. The study results showed that VAS scores ≤ 3.4 corresponded to mild interference with functioning, whereas 3.5 to 6.4 implied moderate interference, and ≥ 6.5 implied severe interference.
Cut Points for Mild, Moderate, and Severe Pain on
the VAS for Children and Adolescents: What Can Be
Learned from 10 Million ANOVAs?
Pain 2013 (Dec); 154 (12): 2626–2632 ~ FULL TEXT
Cut points that classify pain intensity into mild, moderate, and severe levels are widely used in pain research and clinical practice. At present, there are no agreed-upon cut points for the visual analog scale (VAS) in pediatric samples. We applied a method based on Serlin and colleagues' procedure (Serlin RC, Mendoza TR, Nakamura Y, Edwards KR, Cleeland CS. When is cancer pain mild, moderate or severe? Grading pain severity by its interference with function. PAIN(Æ) 1995;61:277-84) that was previously only used for the 0 to 10 numerical rating scale to empirically establish optimal cut points (OCs) for the VAS and used bootstrapping to estimate the variability of these thresholds. We analyzed data from the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS) study and defined OCs both for parental ratings of their children's pain and adolescents' self-ratings of pain intensity. Data from 2276 children (3 to 10 years; 54% female) and 2982 adolescents (11 to 17 years; 61% female) were analyzed. OCs were determined in a by-millimeter analysis that tested all possible 4851 OC combinations, and a truncated analysis were OCs were spaced 5 mm apart, resulting in 171 OC combinations. The OC method identified 2 different OCs for parental ratings and self-report, both in the by-millimeter and truncated analyses. When we estimated the variability of the by-millimeter analysis, we found that the specific OCs were only found in 11% of the samples. The truncated analysis revealed, however, that cut points of 35:60 are identified as optimal in both samples and are a viable alternative to separate cut points. We found a set of cut points that can be used both parental ratings of their children's pain and self-reports for adolescents. Adopting these cut points greatly enhances the comparability of trials. We call for more systematic assessment of diagnostic procedures in pain research.
Perceived Value of Spinal Manipulative Therapy and
Exercise Among Seniors With Chronic Neck Pain:
A Mixed Methods Study
J Rehabil Med. 2014 (Nov); 46 (10): 1022–1028 ~ FULL TEXT Participants placed high value on their relationships with health care team members, supervision, individualized care, and the exercises and information provided as treatment. Change in symptoms did not figure as prominently as social and process-related themes. Percpetions of age, activities, and co-morbities influenced some seniors' expectations of treatment results, and comorbidities impacted perceptions of their ability to participate in active care. Relationship dynamics should be leveraged in clinical encounters to enhance patient satisfaction and perceived value of care.
Adolescent Neck and Shoulder Pain--The Association
with Depression, Physical Activity, Screen-based
Activities, and Use of Health Care Services
J Adolesc Health 2014 (Sep); 55 (3): 366–372 ~ FULL TEXT
Frequent neck and shoulder pain was reported in 20% of Norwegian adolescents. Symptoms of depression and screen-based activities increased the risk of neck and shoulder pain while physical activity was protective. Individuals reporting neck and shoulder pain visited health services more frequently than others.
Spinal Manipulative Therapy and Exercise For Seniors
with Chronic Neck Pain
Spine J. 2014 (Sep 1); 14 (9): 1879–1889
A total of 241 participants were randomized, with 95% reporting primary outcome data at all time points. After 12 weeks of treatment, the SMT with home exercise group demonstrated a 10% greater decrease in pain compared with the HE-alone group, and 5% change over supervised plus home exercise. A decrease in pain favoring supervised plus home exercise (HE) over HE alone did not reach statistical significance. Compared with the HE group, both combination groups reported greater improvement at week 12 and more satisfaction at all time points. Multivariate longitudinal analysis incorporating primary and secondary patient-rated outcomes showed that the SMT with HE group was superior to the HE-alone group in both the short- and long-term. No serious adverse events were observed as a result of the study treatments. Spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) with home exercise resulted in greater pain reduction after 12 weeks of treatment compared with both supervised plus HE and HE alone. Supervised exercise sessions added little benefit to the HE-alone program.
Short Term Treatment Versus Long Term Management of Neck
and Back Disability in Older Adults Utilizing Spinal
Manipulative Therapy and Supervised Exercise:
A Parallel-group Randomized Clinical Trial
Evaluating Relative Effectiveness and Harms
Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2014 (May 23); 22: 21 ~ FULL TEXT
This is one of the first full-scale randomized clinical trials to compare short term treatment and long term management using SMT and exercise to treat spine-related disability in older adults. It builds on previous research by the investigative team showing improvement with three months of SMT and exercise in similar populations, which regressed to baseline values in long term follow up without further intervention 88. As back and neck pain in older adults are often chronic and among several co-morbidities [6, 8], we theorized that long term management may result in sustained improvement compared to short term treatment. Identifying the most favorable duration of treatment is a pragmatic question common to patients, clinicians, policy makers, and third-party payers alike. [25, 89] This is especially important to address in an older population, whose long term functional ability is essential to maintaining vitality and independence.
A Modern Neuroscience Approach to Chronic Spinal Pain:
Combining Pain Neuroscience Education with
Cognition-targeted Motor Control Training
Phys Ther. 2014 (May); 94 (5): 730–738 ~ FULL TEXT
Chronic spinal pain (CSP) is a severely disabling disorder, including nontraumatic chronic low back and neck pain, failed back surgery, and chronic whiplash-associated disorders. Much of the current therapy is focused on input mechanisms (treating peripheral elements such as muscles and joints) and output mechanisms (addressing motor control), while there is less attention to processing (central) mechanisms. In addition to the compelling evidence for impaired motor control of spinal muscles in patients with CSP, there is increasing evidence that central mechanisms (ie, hyperexcitability of the central nervous system and brain abnormalities) play a role in CSP. Hence, treatments for CSP should address not only peripheral dysfunctions but also the brain. Therefore, a modern neuroscience approach, comprising therapeutic pain neuroscience education followed by cognition-targeted motor control training, is proposed.
Spinal Manipulation and Exercise for Low Back Pain
in Adolescents: Study Protocol for a Randomized
Controlled Trial
Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2014 (May 23); 22: 21 ~ FULL TEXT
This is the first randomized clinical trial assessing the effectiveness of combining spinal manipulative therapy with exercise for adolescents with low back pain. The results of this study will provide important evidence on the role of these conservative treatments for the management of low back pain in adolescents.
"I Know It's Changed": A Mixed-methods Study of the Meaning
of Global Perceived Effect in Chronic Neck Pain Patients
European Spine Journal 2014 (Apr); 23 (4): 888–897 ~ FULL TEXT
This work provides a better understanding of the meaning of Global Perceived Effect (GPE) and influencing factors, than what was previously known. The GPE appears to capture chronic neck pain patient perceptions of change in different domains important to their individual pain experiences which may not be captured by other outcome instruments. Thus, the GPE scales are useful measurement tools for clinical practice and research.
Treatment Preferences Amongst Physical Therapists and
Chiropractors for the Management of Neck Pain:
Results of an International Survey
Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2014 (Mar 24); 22 (1): 11 ~ FULL TEXT
This survey indicates that exercise and manual therapy are core treatments provided by chiropractors and physical therapists. Future research should address gaps in evidence associated with variable practice patterns and knowledge translation to reduce usage of some interventions that have been shown to be ineffective.
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury After Motor Vehicle Collisions:
What Are the Symptoms and Who Treats Them?
A Population-Based 1-Year Inception Cohort Study
Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014 (Mar); 95 (3 Suppl): S286–294 ~ FULL TEXT
In this first population-based inception cohort study of individuals who have experienced a mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) during a car collision, we found a high prevalence of multiple symptoms and pain at several body sites. In addition, care-seeking from multiple providers continued throughout the first year postinjury. Studies investigating how clusters of symptoms interact and affect prognosis are needed. Most urgently however, high-quality clinical trials investigating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the many kinds of treatments given to these patients are needed.
Association Between Centralization and Directional
Preference and Functional and Pain Outcomes in
Patients with Neck Pain
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2014 (Feb); 44 (2): 68–75 ~ FULL TEXT
Directional preference (DP) is a prevalent evaluation category that, when combined with treatments consisting of matched exercises and manual techniques, can be used to predict changes in function, but not pain, in patients with neck pain.
There are more articles like this at our: McKenzie Method page.
Exploring the Clinical Course of Neck Pain in
Physical Therapy: A Longitudinal Study
Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014 (Feb); 95 (2): 303–308 ~ FULL TEXT
The purpose of this exploratory study was to longitudinally describe the clinical course of mechanical neck pain during 1 month of usual-care outpatient physical therapy treatment. This was intended as a hypothesis-generating rather than confirmatory exercise and to provide guidance for future clinical trials of nonmedical neck pain management. We have shown that the trajectory, on average, in our sample of 50 subjects with mechanical neck pain of varying cause and duration, suggests an improvement of roughly 1.5 NDI points and 0.5 NRS points per week that adequately approximates a linear curve. In showing a mean linear trend over the course of 1 month, clinical trialists can be confident that a 1-month follow-up period is neither too short to identify measurable change, nor too long to risk missing early, rapid change.
Evidence-Based Guidelines for the Chiropractic
Treatment of Adults With Neck Pain
J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2014 (Jan); 37 (1): 42–63 ~ FULL TEXT
The studies included in this guideline indicate that cervical manipulation, mobilization, manual therapy, exercise, and massage can be recommended for the chiropractic treatment of nonspecific, mechanical neck pain. The strongest recommendations are typically made for the primary intervention in combination with another intervention, usually exercise and/or patient education. Owing to conflicting findings in the literature, no recommendation could be made for laser, TENS, or thoracic manipulation in the treatment of chronic neck pain or for the use of thoracic manipulation in the treatment of acute neck pain. There is a lack of evidence to support the use of laser, trigger point therapy, or traction for nonspecific, mechanical neck pain in adults.
The Course of Serum Inflammatory Biomarkers Following
Whiplash Injury and their Relationship to Sensory
and Muscle Measures: A Longitudinal Cohort Study
PLoS One. 2013 (Oct 17); 8 (10): e77903 ~ FULL TEXT
In summary, the results demonstrate initially higher levels of serum C-reactive protein (CRP) following whiplash injury that persist in those with persistent moderate/severe pain and disability and show moderate associations with mechanical and cold hyperalgesia. In contrast serum levels of TNF-α are elevated in those with good or fair recovery and are negatively associated with amounts of fatty infiltrate in the cervical extensor muscles. Inflammatory biomarkers appear to be associated with the presentation of acute and chronic WAD.
Outcomes From Magnetic Resonance Imaging–Confirmed
Symptomatic Cervical Disk Herniation Patients
Treated With High-Velocity, Low-Amplitude
Spinal Manipulative Therapy: A Prospective
Cohort Study With 3-Month Follow-Up
J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2013 (Oct); 36 (8): 461–467 ~ FULL TEXT
50 adult Swiss patients with neck pain and dermatomal arm pain; sensory, motor, or reflex changes corresponding to the involved nerve root; and at least 1 positive orthopaedic test for cervical radiculopathy were included. Magnetic resonance imaging-confirmed CDH linked with symptoms was required. At 2 weeks, 55.3% were "improved," 68.9% at 1 month and 85.7% at 3 months. Statistically significant decreases in neck pain, arm pain, and NDI scores were noted at 1 and 3 months compared with baseline scores (P < .0001).
Of the subacute/chronic patients, 76.2% were improved at 3 months.
Outcomes of Usual Chiropractic. The OUCH
Randomized Controlled Trial of Adverse Events
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2013 (Sep 15); 38 (20): 1723–1729 ~ FULL TEXT
Completed adverse questionnaires were returned by 94.5% of the participants after appointment 1 and 91.3% after appointment 2. Thirty-three percent of the sham group and 42% of the usual care group reported at least 1 adverse event. Common adverse events were:
increased pain | sham 29% | usual care 36% | muscle stiffness | sham 29% | usual care 37% | headache | sham 17% | usual care 9% |
The relative risk (RR) was not significant for adverse event occurrence (RR = 1.24; 95% CI: 0.85-1.81), occurrence of severe adverse events (RR = 1.9; 95% CI: 0.98-3.99), adverse event onset (RR = 0.16; 95% CI: 0.02-1.34), or adverse event duration (RR = 1.13; 95% CI: 0.59-2.18). No serious adverse events were reported.
CONCLUSION: A substantial proportion of adverse events after chiropractic treatment may result from natural history variation and nonspecific effects.
There are more articles like this in our Adverse Events page.
Comparison of Outcomes in Neck Pain Patients with
and without Dizziness Undergoing Chiropractic
Treatment: A Prospective Cohort Study
with 6 month Follow-up
Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2013 (Jan 7); 21: 3 ~ FULL TEXT
Neck pain patients with dizziness reported significantly higher pain and disability scores at baseline compared to patients without dizziness. A high proportion of patients in both groups reported clinically relevant improvement on the PGIC scale. At 6 months after start of chiropractic treatment there were no differences in any outcome measures between the two groups.
Algorithms for the Chiropractic Management of
Acute and Chronic Spine-Related Pain
Topics in Integrative Health Care 2012 (Dec 31); 3 (4) ~ FULL TEXT
The complexity of clinical documentation and case management for health care providers has increased along with the rise of managed care. Keeping up with the policies of different insurers and third party administrators can be a daunting task. To address these issues for doctors of chiropractic (DCs) and policymakers, the Council for Chiropractic Guidelines and Practice Parameters (CCGPP) developed three consensus documents. Each of these documents was the outcome of a formal consensus process in which a multidisciplinary Delphi panel consisting of experts in chiropractic and low back pain treatment came to agreement on terminology and treatment parameters for the chiropractic management of spine-related musculoskeletal pain. [1–3]
The Association of Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Use and Health Care Expenditures for
Back and Neck Problems
Medical Care 2012 (Dec); 50 (12): 1029–1036 ~ FULL TEXT
While health care conversations increasingly mention chiropractic care as a viable option for back and neck pain – and research increasingly supports its utility from a clinical standpoint – this nationwide study of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)-related health care expenditures by 12,000-plus adults (ages 17 and older) with spinal conditions lends support to the suggestion that CAM in general, and chiropractic specifically, is also a cost-effective alternative to traditional medical care.
Predictors of Outcome in Neck Pain Patients
Undergoing Chiropractic Care: Comparison
of Acute and Chronic Patients
Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2012 (Aug 24); 20 (1): 27 ~ FULL TEXT
The most consistent predictor of clinically relevant improvement at both 1 and 3 months after the start of chiropractic treatment for both acute and chronic patients is if they report improvement early in the course of treatment. The co-existence of either radiculopathy or dizziness however do not imply poorer prognosis in these patients.
Clinical Decision Rules, Spinal Pain Classification
and Prediction of Treatment Outcome: A Discussion
of Recent Reports in the Rehabilitation Literature
Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2012 (Jun 22); 20 (1): 19 ~ FULL TEXT
Clinical decision rules are an increasingly common presence in the biomedical literature and represent one strategy of enhancing clinical-decision making with the goal of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery. In the context of rehabilitation research, clinical decision rules have been predominantly aimed at classifying patients by predicting their treatment response to specific therapies. Traditionally, recommendations for developing clinical decision rules propose a multistep process (derivation, validation, impact analysis) using defined methodology. Research efforts aimed at developing a "diagnosis-based clinical decision rule" have departed from this convention. Recent publications in this line of research have used the modified terminology "diagnosis-based clinical decision guide." Modifications to terminology and methodology surrounding clinical decision rules can make it more difficult for clinicians to recognize the level of evidence associated with a decision rule and understand how this evidence should be implemented to inform patient care. We provide a brief overview of clinical decision rule development in the context of the rehabilitation literature and two specific papers recently published in Chiropractic and Manual Therapies.
Supervised Exercise with And without Spinal Manipulation Performs Similarly and Better Than Home Exercise for
Chronic Neck Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2012 (May 15); 37 (11): 903–914
At 12 weeks, there was a significant difference in patient-rated pain between exercise therapy (ET) + spinal manipulation (SMT) and HEA (1.3 points, P < 0.001) and ET and home exercise and advice (HEA) (1.1 points, P = 0.001). Although there were smaller group differences in patient-rated pain at 52 weeks (ET + SMT vs. HEA, 0.2 points, P > 0.05; ET vs. HEA, 0.3 points, P > 0.05), linear mixed model analyses incorporating all time points yielded a significant advantage for the 2 supervised exercise groups (ET + SMT vs. HEA, P = 0.03; ET vs. HEA, P = 0.02). Similar results were observed for global perceived effect and satisfaction.
Advancements in the Management of Spine Disorders
Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2012 (Apr); 26 (2): 263–280 ~ FULL TEXT
Despite, or perhaps because of its impact, spinal disorders remain one of the most controversial and difficult conditions for clinicians, patients and policymakers to manage. This paper provides a brief summary of advances in the understanding of back and neck pain over the past decade as evidenced in the current literature. This paper includes the following sections: a classification of spinal disorders; the epidemiology of spine pain in the developed and developing world; key advancements in biological and biomechanical sciences in spine pain; the current status of potential methods for the prevention of back and neck pain; rheumatological and systemic disorders that impact the spine; and evidence-based surgical and non-surgical management of spine pain. The final section of this paper looks to the future and proposes actions and strategies that may be considered by the international Bone and Joint Decade (BJD), by providers, institutions and by policymakers so that we may better address the burden of spine disorders at global and local levels.
Pain in the Three Spinal Regions: The Same Disorder?
Data From a Population-based Sample of 34,902 Danish Adults
Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2012 (Apr 5); 20: 11 ~ FULL TEXT
In all, 34,902 (74%) twin individuals representative of the general Danish population, aged 20 to 71, participated in a cross-sectional nation-wide survey. Identical questions from the Standardised Nordic Questionnaire for each of the three spinal regions were used for lumbar, mid-back and neck pain respectively: Pain past year, pain ever, radiating pain, and consequences of back pain (care-seeking, reduced physical activities, sick-leave, change of work/work duties and disability pension). The relative prevalence estimates of these variables were compared for the three spinal regions.
Clinical Decision-making to Facilitate Appropriate
Patient Management in Chiropractic Practice:
'The 3-questions Model'
Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2012 (Mar 14); 20: 6 ~ FULL TEXT
Clinical decision-making is considered to be a key characteristic of any modern healthcare practitioner. It is, thus, prudent for chiropractors to re-visit the concept of defensible practice with a view to facilitate capable clinical decision-making and competent patient examination skills. In turn, the perception of competence and trustworthiness of chiropractors within the wider healthcare community helps integration of chiropractic services into broader healthcare settings.
Cervical Radiculopathy: A Systematic Review on Treatment
by Spinal Manipulation and Measurement with
the Neck Disability Index
J Canadian Chiropractic Assoc. 2012 (Mar); 56 (1): 18–28 ~ FULL TEXT
Cervical radiculopathy (CR), while less common than conditions with neck pain alone, can be a significant cause of neck pain and disability; thus the determination of adequate treatment options for patients is essential. Currently, inadequate scientific literature restricts specific conservative management recommendations for CR. Despite a paucity of evidence for high-velocity low-amplitude (HVLA) spinal manipulation in the treatment for CR, this strategy has been frequently labeled as contraindicated. Scientific support for appropriate outcome measures for CR is equally deficient. While more scientific data is needed to draw firm conclusions, the present review suggests that spinal manipulation may be cautiously considered as a therapeutic option for patients suffering from CR. With respect to outcome measures, the Neck Disability Index appears well-suited for spinal manipulative treatment of CR.
Spinal Manipulative Therapy and Its Role in the Prevention,
Treatment and Management of Chronic Pain
J Canadian Chiro Assoc 2012 (Mar); 56 (1): 5-7 ~ FULL TEXT
Chronic pain is a worldwide epidemic. It is characterized as “pain that persists beyond normal tissue healing time” [1] and is physiologically distinct from acute nociceptive pain. The current research estimates the prevalence of chronic pain in the general population to be anywhere from 10–55%, [2] predominantly affecting the adult population. Studies indicate that the prevalence of chronic pain in the over-60 age group is double that for younger adults. [3] Furthermore, over 80% of elderly (over 65) adults suffer from some form of painful chronic joint disease [4] and greater than 85% of the general population will experience some form of chronic myofascial pain during their lifetime. [5]
For Neck Pain, Chiropractic and Exercise
Are Better Than Drugs
January 3, 2012
This new study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, found that chiropractic care or simple exercises done at home were better at reducing pain than taking medications like aspirin, ibuprofen or narcotics.
The Great Faceoff:
Chiropractic Goes Head-to-Head
wth NSAIDs and Acupuncture
The following commentary involves reviewing a brilliant series of 3 consecutive studies, comparing popular forms of treatment for chronic spinal pain, including NSAID use, acupuncture, and spinal adjusting for relief. The author reports that this is the first study of long-term efficacy of 3 distinct and standardized treatment regimens for patients with chronic spinal pain syndromes.
Spinal Manipulation, Medication, or Home Exercise
wth Advice for Acute and Subacute Neck Pain:
A Randomized Trial
Annals of Internal Medicine 2012 (Jan 3); 156 (1 Pt 1): 1–10 ~ FULL TEXT
Bronfort’s paper, published in the influential Annals of Internal Medicine, began with the hypothesis that “spinal manipulation therapy (SMT) is more effective than medication or home exercise with advice (HEA) for acute and subacute neck pain.” And indeed, when the dust settled, the neck-pain patients receiving spinal manipulation had achieved significantly more pain relief than those receiving medication. However, a third group that received a few instructional sessions of home exercise advice achieved results that were, for all practical purposes, equal to the manipulation group. Despite the fact that a New York Times article about this study was published under the headline “For Neck Pain, Chiropractic and Exercise Are Better Than Drugs” a closer analysis leads to a far more guarded set of conclusions.
Elevated Production of Inflammatory Mediators Including
Nociceptive Chemokines in Patients With Neck Pain:
A Cross-Sectional Evaluation
J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2011 (Oct); 34 (8): 498–505 ~ FULL TEXT
Production of inflammatory mediators was consistently elevated in NP patients in this study, both in vitro and in vivo, and activation of inflammatory pathways was accompanied by up-regulation of CC chemokine synthesis. This suggests that, in NP patients, CC chemokines may be involved in regulation of local inflammatory response through recruitment of immune cells to the inflamed tissue and exert pronociceptive effects.
Chiropractic Management for Veterans with Neck Pain:
A Retrospective Study of Clinical Outcomes
J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2011 (Oct); 34 (8): 533–538 ~ FULL TEXT
This study provides a retrospective review of clinical outcomes for a sample of veterans with neck pain within a VHA chiropractic clinic. Despite the levels of service-connected disability and comorbidity among this sample of veteran patients seeking care for neck pain, mean clinical outcomes were considered to be both statistically significant and clinically meaningful. Although retrospective design-based limitations are identified, this study serves as a foundation for further research and provides the most extensive account to date of chiropractic clinical outcomes for veteran patients with neck pain.
Application of a Diagnosis-Based Clinical Decision Guide
in Patients with Neck Pain
Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2011 (Aug 27); 19 (1): 19 ~ FULL TEXT
The DBCDG can be applied in a busy private practice environment. Further studies are needed to investigate clinically relevant means to identify central pain hypersensitivity, oculomotor dysfunction, poor coping and depression, correlations and patterns among the diagnostic components of the DBCDG as well as interexaminer reliability, validity and efficacy of treatment based on the DBCDG.
The Trials of Evidence:
Interpreting Research and the Case for Chiropractic
The Chiropractic Report ~ July 2011 ~ FULL TEXT
For the great majority of patients with both acute and chronic low-back pain, namely those without diagnostic red flags, spinal manipulation is recommended by evidence-informed guidelines from many authoritative sources – whether chiropractic (the UK Evidence Report from Bronfort, Haas et al. [1]), medical (the 2007 Joint Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society [2]) or interdisciplinary (the European Back Pain Guidelines [3]).
Neck and Back Pain in Children:
Prevalence and Progression Over Time
Musculoskelet Disord. 2011 (May 16); 12: 98 ~ FULL TEXT
The following article appears to be the first study to track and review the progression of back pain in the same group of children, over a prolonged period, to see how (or if) it is a contributor to those same complains in adulthood. Of particular interest is Table 2, because it breaks down and tracks complaints of either neck, mid back, or low back pain in the same group of children at 3 different time periods: ages 9, 13 and 15 years old.
Predictors for Identifying Patients with Mechanical Neck
Pain Who Are Likely to Achieve Short-Term Success
with Manipulative Interventions Directed at the
Cervical and Thoracic Spine
J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2011 (Mar); 34 (3): 144–152 ~ FULL TEXT
The current study identified several prognostic clinical factors including pain intensity greater than 4.5 points, cervical extension less than 46°, hypomobility of T1 vertebra, a negative ULTT, and female sex that may potentially identify patients with mechanical neck pain who are likely to experience a rapid and positive response to the application of cervical and thoracic spine thrust manipulations. If 4 of 5 variables were present (LR+, 1.9), the likelihood of success increased from 61.7% to 86.3%.
A Randomised Controlled Trial of Preventive Spinal
Manipulation with and without a Home Exercise
Program For Patients with Chronic Neck Pain
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2011 (Feb 8); 12: 41 ~ FULL TEXT
This study hypothesised that participants in the combined intervention group would have less pain and disability and better function than participants from the 2 other groups during the preventive phase of the trial. This hypothesis was not supported by the study results. Lack of a treatment specific effect is discussed in relation to the placebo and patient provider interactions in manual therapies. Further research is needed to delineate the specific and non-specific effects of treatment modalities to prevent unnecessary disability and to minimise morbidity related to NCNP. Additional investigation is also required to identify the best strategies for secondary and tertiary prevention of NCNP.
Consequences of Spinal Pain: Do Age and Gender Matter?
A Danish Cross-sectional Population-based Study of
34,902 Individuals 20-71 Years of Age
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2011 (Feb 8); 12: 39 ~ FULL TEXT
Almost two-thirds of individuals with spinal pain did not report any consequence. Generally, consequences due to LBP were more frequently reported than those due to NP or MBP. Regardless of area of complaint, care seeking and reduced physical activities were the most commonly reported consequences, followed by sick-leave, change of work, and disability pension. There was a small mid-life peak for care-seeking and a slow general increase in reduced activities with increasing age. Increasing age was not associated with a higher reporting of sick-leave but the duration of the sick-leave increased somewhat with age. Disability pension due to spinal pain was reported exceedingly rare before the age of 50. Typically, women slightly more often than men reported some kind of consequences due to spinal pain.
Management of Neck Pain in Royal Australian
Air Force Fast Jet Aircrew
Military Medicine 2011 (Jan); 176 (1): 106–109 ~ FULL TEXT
Eighty-two RAAF FJ aircrew responded to the survey. Ninety-five percent of the respondents experienced flight-related neck pain. The most commonly sought treatment modalities were on-base medical and physiotherapy services. Many respondents reported that currently provided on-base treatment and ancillary services such as chiropractic therapy are the most effective in alleviating symptoms.
The Cervical Flexion-Relaxation Ratio: Reproducibility
and Comparison Between Chronic Neck Pain
Patients and Controls
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2010 (Nov 15); 35 (24): 2103–2108 The cervical extensor muscles exhibit a consistent flexion-relaxation (FFR) phenomenon in healthy control subjects and the measurement is highly reproducible when measured 4 weeks apart in both controls and chronic neck pain patients. The FRR in neck pain patients is significantly higher than in control subjects suggesting that this measure may be a useful marker of altered neuromuscular function.
Manual Therapy and Exercise for Neck Pain:
A Systematic Review
Manual Therapy 2010 (Aug); 15 (4): 334–354
Manual therapy is often used with exercise to treat neck pain. This cervical overview group systematic review update assesses if manual therapy, including manipulation or mobilisation, combined with exercise improves pain, function/disability, quality of life, global perceived effect, and patient satisfaction for adults with neck pain with or without cervicogenic headache or radiculopathy. Computerized searches were performed to July 2009. Two or more authors independently selected studies, abstracted data, and assessed methodological quality. Pooled relative risk (pRR) and standardized mean differences (pSMD) were calculated. Of 17 randomized controlled trials included, 29% had a low risk of bias.
Manipulation or Mobilisation For Neck Pain:
A Cochrane Review
Manual Therapy 2010 (Aug); 15 (4): 315–333
Moderate quality evidence showed cervical manipulation and mobilisation produced similar effects on pain, function and patient satisfaction at intermediate-term follow-up. Low quality evidence suggested cervical manipulation may provide greater short-term pain relief than a control (pSMD -0.90 (95%CI: -1.78 to -0.02)). Low quality evidence also supported thoracic manipulation for pain reduction (NNT 7; 46.6% treatment advantage) and increased function (NNT 5; 40.6% treatment advantage) in acute pain and immediate pain reduction in chronic neck pain (NNT 5; 29% treatment advantage). Optimal technique and dose need to be determined.
Assessment of Patients With Neck Pain: A Review of
Definitions, Selection Criteria,
and Measurement Tools
J Chiropractic Medicine 2010 (Jun); 9 (2): 49–59 ~ FULL TEXT
The introduction of evidence-based practice in the last years of the 20th century stimulated the development and research of an enormous number of instruments to assess many types of patient variables. [1] Now, more rehabilitation professionals are familiarizing themselves with the use of outcome measures in clinical practice and for research purposes. [2, 3] Outcomes assessment is primarily designed to establish baselines, to evaluate the effect of an intervention, to assist in goal setting, and to motivate patients to evaluate their treatment. [4, 5] When used in a clinical setting, it can enhance clinical decision making and improve quality of care. [6] Many patients with neck pain visit health care clinics seeking treatment of their problem, and health professionals aim to use the best available evidence for making decisions about therapy. The best evidence comes from randomized clinical trials, systematic reviews, and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. [7]
Altered Central Integration of Dual Somatosensory
Input After Cervical Spine Manipulation
J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2010 (Mar); 33 (3): 178–188 ~ FULL TEXT
This study suggests that cervical spine manipulation may alter cortical integration of dual somatosensory input. These findings may help to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for the effective relief of pain and restoration of functional ability documented after spinal manipulation treatment.
Effectiveness of Manual Therapies:
The UK Evidence Report
Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2010 (Feb 25); 18 (1): 3 ~ FULL TEXT
Spinal manipulation/mobilization is effective in adults for: acute, subacute, and chronic low back pain; migraine and cervicogenic headache; cervicogenic dizziness; manipulation/mobilization is effective for several extremity joint conditions; and thoracic manipulation/mobilization is effective for acute/subacute neck pain. The evidence is inconclusive for cervical manipulation/mobilization alone for neck pain of any duration, and for manipulation/mobilization for mid back pain, sciatica, tension-type headache, coccydynia, temporomandibular joint disorders, fibromyalgia, premenstrual syndrome, and pneumonia in older adults. Spinal manipulation is not effective for asthma and dysmenorrhea when compared to sham manipulation, or for Stage 1 hypertension when added to an antihypertensive diet. In children, the evidence is inconclusive regarding the effectiveness for otitis media and enuresis, and it is not effective for infantile colic and asthma when compared to sham manipulation.
Commentary on the United Kingdom Evidence Report
About the Effectiveness of Manual Therapies
Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2010 (Feb 25); 18 (1): 4 ~ FULL TEXT
This is an accompanying commentary on the article by Gert Bronfort and colleagues about the effectiveness of manual therapy. The two commentaries were provided independently and combined into this single article by the journal editors.
Do Chiropractic Physician Services for Treatment of
Low-Back and Neck Pain Improve the Value of Health
Benefit Plans? An Evidence-Based Assessment of
Incremental Impact on Population Health and
Total Health Care Spending
Mercer Health and Benefits LLC ~ October 12, 2009 ~ FULL TEXT
This report combined a rigorous analysis of direct and indirect costs with equally relevant (though often missing from such analyses) evidence concerning clinical effectiveness. In other words, Choudhry and Milstein started with the assumption that low cost is only a virtue if a product or service effectively delivers what it promises. Including both clinical effectiveness and cost in their analysis, they concluded that chiropractic care was far more valuable than medical treatment for neck and low back pain.